[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | Afternoon[/b] As it turned out, her worries had been unfounded - Elena, who seemed rather elated about her visit, was quick to show her appreciation. With a small smile of relief, Kotori said [color=green]"Ah, that's good,"[/color] as she placed the flowers in their vases - though her relief wasn't just about the flowers not being unwelcome, but also to see that both of the two Dragunovs were awake and well; or at least appeared as such. At the very least, Elena was still showing as much enthusiasm as she had back at the library - even as she asked how she'd known that they'd been there. [color=green]"Eh?"[/color] was Kotori's first response, having just placed the flowers on the small table, as she really didn't know how to respond to the question - should she outright tell them? Should she try to talk her way out of it - even if she heavily doubted she'd be able to do so? However, before she could even say anything further, Alexei spoke up to try and calm some of his sister's excitement - and quickly making Kotori rather surprised when he said she'd been of such help. [color=green]"Eh? Ah, I..."[/color] she began, trying to say that she really hadn't done very much, before he continued to say that he'd try to repay this debt. [color=green]"Ah, n-no, no, there's no need for that, really!"[/color] Kotori quickly said, shaking both her hands before her and her head for emphasis. [color=green]"T-the others did a lot more, so..."[/color] she began, embarassment rather evident in her voice - not only didn't she know how to answer the previous question, but also not how to dissuade him from seeing it as a debt to be repaid when it was far from her alone who'd been there to help. Luckily though, a distraction presented itself as Rui stepped into the room; prompting Kotori to stand back up after she'd only just sat down on the edge of the bed at Elena's motioning to give a bow in somewhat thankful greeting: [color=green]"Ah, good afternoon, Shinichi-san."[/color] Seeing as he'd been the one to tell her of all the details after she'd been rescued and subsequently gained her persona, Kotori assumed - or rather, hoped - Rui was here to do the same for Alexei; though it was a slightly different situation with his sister in the know but not having gained a persona - either way though, Kotori sat back down for the moment to take a momentary breather and hoped that Rui would be able to clear up some things.