[hider=Alexis] [center] [hider=hawt stuff][img]http://i.imgur.com/rgcFY89.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [color=00aeef][h3]"Whaaa? you want somethin' loser? Speak up, I can't hear ya over how little I care."[/h3][/color] [color=00aeef]"The name's Alexis, why? You're not one of them stupid heroes pickin' a fight, are ya?"[/color] Name: Alexis Sinclair [color=00aeef]"Yeah yeah, 'Audiophile' is my Villain name. Got a problem with it? Because it's ten times better than your trash name, and if you do, we're gonna have a problem."[/color] Villain Name: Audiophile [color=00aeef]"Old enough to do whatever the flippin' hell I want too."[/color] Age: 18 [color=00aeef]"I hope you're joking. Or blind."[/color] Gender: Female [color=00aeef]"I know, I know, i'm hawt. Keep your pants on, I ain't interested."[/color] Appearance: Alexis' normal attire is...rough, at best. Most of the time, she's not too picky about her wardrobe. She just throws on whatever she grabs first out of her closet. There is a trend, though. Most of her clothes consist of jeans or somewhat too short shorts, comfortable, easy to run in tennis shoes, and something light for a top. Usually a simple t-shirt and a light jacket for the colder days. She has black hair, usually streaked with colors of light blue - and yeah, that's totally natural. She has bright blue eyes, and usually has some headphones dangling around her neck. [color=00aeef]"Heh, What? Gotta look awesome if I'm gonna be kicking someone's ass. And if you so much as use a lame line and tell me I look hawt in my day clothes, I'ma smack you."[/color] Supercriminal Appearance: [hider=badass costume of badassery][img]http://img00.deviantart.net/7ecd/i/2016/010/c/d/9_366___angel_dj_by_joshcorpuz85-d9nfamn.jpg[/img][/hider] Gotta look good for kicking ass and taking names, right? She wears a white, sleeveless vest and short pants. Red stockings going up to her knees, and elbow-length gloves on her arms. On her feet, are boots that are gonna hurt something fierce if you get kicked with it. And she will kick guys right where it hurts, be warned. [color=00aeef]""Heh, I'd say I'm just someone who likes having fun. Oh, and fucking with heroes. Can't forget that. And no, not that kind of fucking you perv."[/color] Personality: Honestly, for a Super criminal, Alexis isn't all that bad personality wise. Alright, let me explain. Okay, yeah, she's a bit of a bitch and she's generally not entirely nice to most people unless she gets to know them. Hotheadedness and stubbornness are key traits in her personality. Mixed with a streak of sarcasm and jackassery, she's not really known to be too much of a pleasant person to be around when someone's earned her ire or scorn. She's not afraid to tell people what she thinks of them, or to start a fight with someone she doesn't like. And of course, she hates authority and being told what to do, especially by those uppity heroes. However, what might set her apart from her 'Supercriminals', is that unlike them, she doesn't really have a 'drive' to actually do 'bad' stuff. Like taking over the world stuff. Most consider her just to be a teenager on a power trip. A kid who's still growing up, and they wouldn't be all that wrong. Most of the stuff she does is petty thievery, vandalism, or generally just making a nuisance of herself. Like say, streaking in front of the SUPER base. Or breaking and entering into an art museum and giving all of the paintings with people on them mustaches. Honestly, she just fights heroes most of the time simply for the sake of fucking with them for her giggles. That is, unless you manage to piss her off. Whatever you do, don't make the mistake of her not being dangerous. Kid on a power trip or not, she's as bad as any other superhero out there and has a bit of a violent streak in dealing with people who she hates, or seriously mess with her. She hasn't graduated to murder yet, but some say it's only a matter of time. Getting on her bad side will most likely result in her pursuing you until either you're put in the ICU, or she's physically incapable of doing so. She's too stubborn to think about anything else. However, those who get to know her, will find a surprisingly friendly and loyal, though sarcastic person. She likes parties and social events of every sort, and is well known to be a huge nerd, and can often be found playing video games in her spare time, or sneaking into a local club. If the villains had some sort of get-together, she'd attend in a heart beat. Probably to vandalize or mess with something, but she'd still attend. [color=00aeef]"Made all of this stuff myself. The suit, my bass cannon, my hover boots. Everything. Yep, I'm awesome."[/color] Equipment: Most of her fighting abilities come from her custom, self made armaments. [b]Her battle suit:[/b] (awesome name pending) That outfit she wears? It's all part of the same suit, and powered by a custom-battery cell she made. It has no purpose, other than to provide some protection and supply power to all of her gadgets. [u]Hover boots:[/u] Exactly as the name states, these boots have a limited hovering functionality. Basically, they sort of let her skate on air by making use of sound waves. Along with her parkour and free-running skills, this makes her a very mobile person. [u]Bass Cannon:[/u] Well, that's what she's officially calling it, though it looks nothing like a cannon and can do more than just be a bass cannon. At first, it just looks like two small, rectangular objects attached to her forearms. The first functionality of these, is to shoot razor-sharp discs at targets, sharp enough to slice even steel. Limited in ammo, so she uses them sparingly and to dispatch targets quickly. The second functionality, is a little more destructive on a large scale. On the underside of these two objects, is a large speaker capable of producing and amplifying sounds to impossibly destructive levels. Not to mention, blow back and deflect projectiles. They're surprisingly durable. Also has a keyboard on them, so she can give commands and hack into robots, if she has too. A key weakness is...that if you break her equipment, her fighting ability goes down significantly. All of her equipment also relies on a power supply, which is located right in that little sphere on her chest. At least one of them - she has backup power supplies, but just destroy one and you'll significantly cripple her fighting ability. [u]HUD:[/u] Kinda like a videogame HUD. It's built into her headphones and gives a visual overlay in the form of a retractable visor. The visor can block out visual distortions, and generally gives her a diagnostic on her equipment and if she should probably think about fleeing, and how many of those discs she has left. [color=00aeef]"Hah, you give me any computer, I can crack it. Probably."[/color] Abilities: [u]Programming/Computer Genius[/u] Okay, She's not some super intelligent freak who could make robots, lets get that out of the way. However, she is a robots worst nightmare when it comes to software/computers. She can hack into almost any security system/robot and make them do whatever she wants them too. Her suit has a ton of custom-built hacking programs and executables specifically for that. She could probably build one if she wanted too, but she thinks robots are loud, annoying, and inefficient. Unless we're talking about an actual AI here. Then she'd be all over it. Of course, hacking does take time and isn't instant and she'd have to keep her eye on the program and make sure to make the proper adjustments. Difficult during fights, but doable if she's careful. [u][i]Tinkerer[/i][/u] Okay, she's no genius that can make a giant bass-cannon from nothing. She doesn't have the know-how to really do that. But she can, however, jury-rig and reliably (most of the time) make custom equipment from existing components and things. She just has to have the right materials for it. [u][i]Sound Wave Control:[/i][/u] She can, effectively control sound waves to quite destructive levels. However, she can not generate sound waves herself and must amplify ones from outside sources, and there is a limit to how much she can amplify and change one, hence her equipment. It allows for her to have more versatility in combat since machines can make sounds outside the range humans are capable of. Skills: Free Running. She is adept at free-running and Parkour and is about as quick on her feet as the best of them. She has really, really, good hearing. Good luck sneaking up on her with sneak attacks. As above, she's a good hacker/programmer and knows how to make a computer talk and give up its secrets. One of her dream goals? Hack into that SUPER heroes headquarters or whatever and replace all their classified files with [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ]this[/url], various pictures of cats, or a picture of all the high-ranking officials redrawn with mustaches and doodles on their faces. [color=00aeef]"Me? My dads some super-hot-shot CEO or something. I dunno, owns a club or something. Mom's uh...a businesswoman. Lets go with that."[/color] Brief Backstory: Alexis had a relatively comfortable life growing up. Her dad was a rather wealthy business man and entrepreneur by the name of Garret Sinclair. He owns a number of gentlemen clubs and other 'businesses', and it has made him quite the wealthy man. Her mom, an ex-super villain by the name of Havoc Aegis...well, not much to say there other than she was a pretty rotten person, until she got to old to do that shit and settled down with Garret and started a family, though not before losing her left eye in what was her last battle with the heroes, and making everyone assuming she was killed. She now spends her days drinking, smoking, and generally being lazy. Of course, she also makes sure Alexis doesn't get into too much trouble. She's mellowed quite a bit with age. Anyways, as a kid, she never really got along well with her class-mates. She never understood why, really, she didn't see anything wrong with her somewhat...grumpy behavior and the fact that she routinely said some less than nice things about her classmates. She didn't mean anything buy it, she's just never had much of a filter for her mouth. Which in turn, made for a pretty lonely life growing up. Not that she ever particularly minded. If the other kids didn't want to be her friend, well, she didn't care. And those jackasses who thought it'd be fun to pick on the loner...well, they got what was coming to them some way or another. Needless to say, if her father wasn't able to persuade the school with some backroom deals and bribery, she'd have to change schools quite often. People learned pretty soon though, if they left her alone, she'd leave them alone. She had a few...friends, over the years. Though mostly they were all just acquaintances and people who didn't really mind her snarky loner attitude. The trend continued until she graduated high-school, and through the years she picked up an interest in computer programming. She currently owns a small apartment and does programming work on the internet for people. [color=00aeef]"Meh. Those heroes are makin' light of me. But whatevs, I don't give a shit about what they think. I'll beat all of 'em to a pulp if I have too."[/color] Villain Rank: Officially classed as a mere B-rank simply due to the fact she doesn't cause any major problems for the most part. She however, believes she easily qualifies for the A-rank. Some heroes she's fought might agree, but the infrequency of her shenanigans keep her at B-rank. Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex0AfIzqjFU&list]fighty theme[/url] [/center] [/hider]