Then...Ryouko was pointed to a smaller section by one of the guards who was watching Veronica with the gun, cautiously. It was a little off to the side, and smaller than the others. All that it was was a cabinet, slightly dusty, and locked tight. Ryouko smiled. Locks...Fun when you put blood into them. These men really didn't seem to use swords though. That was good. As he bit down on the back of his hand, breaking skin and biting into blood, he put a drop into the lock and focused. The drop of blood slowly expanded and coated the inside of the lock, before twisting the mechanism to the position for it to be unlocked. The lock hit the floor and Ryouko took off the chain, before opening the drawer and chuckling softly. Despite having not been used in little while, which was apparent, he saw good swords. Even traditional blades, farther down, rested on a rack that was parallel to the ground. Now for the challenging part...One that worked in his hand and felt right.