Name: Arson Age: 24 Gender:Female Personality:Strong, smart, caring,Stubborn, mischievous, hard headed Class: Blacksmith Apprentice (was going to be a hound Master before orphaned) Appearance:[img][/img] [img][/img] - Jark Bio: At the age of 16 Arson had lost her father to an act of Murder and was left alone with nothing but her hound, Jark, and some money. Arson had left her home to go find a job. That's actually what brought her to BlackBirch, she had her fingers crossed as she went up to the Blacksmith of the town, Mr.Marsh, and asked if he'd like an extra hand. Arson had explained that she had basic experience in smelting and- well being a blacksmith. Mr.Marsh took pity on her and took Arson in as an Apprentice and took on piles of work and Criticism. When his daughter went missing he became more mean and more volatile due to his drinking, but Arson stuck by him running errands for him and getting him what he needed.