Ryouko nodded his thanks to the guard and stood in the room, eyes closed, as he drew out the long blade from the sheath at his side. He took a few practice swings with the blade before he inwardly smiled, and tried to locate a type of training dummy. It was time to see what he could do with these blades. Then he found one. Though it was made of metal, with a strict programming. He could tell that it would be hard to not slice apart the automaton, and so he sighed softly, before he cut his palm open. He made his blood coat the sharp edge of the blade, to where the edge was now blunted and not as able to cut. Thankfully, the blade wasn't harmed. He then hit the start button, on the side of the dummy, and stepped back as it said robotically. "Five..Four...Three...Two..." Then, Ryouko flipped the blade into an underhanded grip. "One." The automaton moved at a respectable speed, with a double edged claymore. Ryouko stepped to the side and brought the blade he held up, spinning it into a forwards grip to gain momentum as he knocked the blade back up. He then stepped in, before he slammed his fist into the metal. Though it hurt, he took it much like the robot. Painlessly. As the robot stumbled backwards, clanking, Ryouko slid his left foot forwards, holding his blade at neck height in his right hand as he let his left hand drop to his side.