[@Carlsberg][@KatherinWinter][@Ryouko][@Xiphonic] Kiiros was arguing with the guards. [color=ed1c24]"Well why can't I just hold a knife!?"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"As if we'd trust you with one after you bolted for the weapons without warning!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I already told you I simply got too excited okay!? I wasn't thinking!"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Given your behaviour here, I highly doubt we'll even let you out on the [i]practice mission[/i]!"[/color] Kiiros was seething such rage [color=ed1c24]"OH COME ON! Why'd you even bring me to the armoury if you weren't gonna let me touch the weapons!? How come THEY get to hold them, let alone USE them, but you won't let me so much as pick up a stick!"[/color] he was pointing to Jen and Veronica, glaring daggers at the guard. [color=82ca9d]"Until your behaviour is determined stable, YOU WILL REMAIN IN THIS FACILITY AND YOU WILL DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD! Is that understood!?"[/color] Kiiros was really losing his nerve now, an aura of fire was beginning to form around him. The guard along with others keeping an eye on him immediately trained their weapons at him. [color=82ca9d]"Don't you DARE even THINK about it!"[/color] after a moment of him growling like some feral animal, the aura receded and Kiiros began to try and calm himself down with agonizing effort. [i][color=9e0b0f]'Calm down, breathe Kiiros, think rationally. These guys are SERIOUS FUCKING ASSHOLES....'[/color][/i] he took a deep breath. [i][color=9e0b0f]'But remember... that not everything... can go your way.'[/color][/i] he eventually settled down, giving a look that could kill if possible, but otherwise 'calm'. [color=82ca9d]"Why don't you go 'socialize' with your 'buddies' now huh?"[/color] the guard lowered his weapon, the others eventually doing so too with hesitation, before he exited the room to return to his work he was dragged from when a guard told him to come down and help deal with Kiiros' tantrum.