[hider=King of Fotia Magnix Hanoxx][color=orange][center]Theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBstyvr6Jns Quote: "Even a God can fall." Name: Magnix Hanoxx Age: 65 Species: Descendant Blood%: 100 % Tyro Gender: Male Sex Preference: Hetero Height: 6'5 Weight: 270 Physical appearance: [img]http://i60.tinypic.com/s3jchw.jpg[/img] A broad shouldered man who carries himself with a air of elegance. Betraying the fact that upon sight his mass is formidable, even down to his very toes and fingers. His body represented a life of combat and sword wielding. His tone is medium brown and his dark brown hair is dreaded and placed in a ponytail that reaches his mid back. His eyes are a dark red and brown mixture. His facial structure is squared and toned. on his head are two large black horns that start from the side of his head and twist forward and curve up slightly at the ends. He Has a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm and on his horns in a deep crimson red. Apparel: He wears a pair of greaves on his shins made with the hide of a dragon that lived within a active volcano which makes it more resistant to heat than any material that would melt in lava. Gold wrist bands with crimson markings much like his tattoos. A large black loin cloth and dark brown trousers all made too from the very same dragon. He wears no shirt or shoes. On his back are two large black wings that look almost angelic yet retain the scales of a dragon. Vehicle: Personality: What is a man with no joy but left with a limitless well of purpose. He moves onward forward through the blood soaked fields of his own mind. It is a sense of being unworthy, perhaps the task ahead is too great for him alone to take. Yet this itself ignites his frustration, thus his anger, his fury.. the fire. His lax attitude to politics and being honored stems from his tenacious will to prove himself constantly. He does not let anything stop him from fulfilling his goals and any idea that pops within his head. He is wise yet eager to have his way. He is rigid and stern but enjoys his own fill of banter, granted at his pacing. Used to getting his way he does rise to anger when disobeyed or dishonored. Occupation: Representing King of Fotia & Dragon Slayer guild leader Faction: Sureiya Pet: Adv. App.: Exp: He was trained from a young age to hold and wield weapons. But ever since a small child he was in love with martial arts and sword play. While his siblings were into the usage of guns and explosives. Magnix looked within and found his most powerful weapon was his soul. He mastered how to manipulate flame at 12. He slayed his first feral dragon a year later without help. He was destined for greatness at a young age and for a Descendant this was phenomenal. He trained with gladiators and elite royal guards most of his time when he was not out fighting dragons. He had only one master when it came to controlling his soul and that was the mythical "Lord Akuro" on the volcano named after him. Akuro was mostly a burned broken lump yet had tremendous power. He passed this to Magnix making his manipulation of flame virtually unmatched. His sword was given to him by his father when he was 25 before he was even King in a secretive way. His father knew his sons abilities. With the sword he was able to train with and comprehend the blade's unique capacities. He trained with martial artists of different lands not beating them all but proving himself to be a formidable hand to hand fighter. He trained since he was very small with the help of his kin and his master Orelo who still acts as his master to this day. Spells: Flame orb - He can summon small explosive orbs that radiate with fire within. It can vary in size but moves at a medium to slow rate. Upon contact with anything they undergo combustion. God Slayer's gift - He can instantly appear where his sword is. His sword can be made to appear in front of him and he can pull his sword to him from a distance as long as he can feel its presence within a 3 yard radius. Fire belly - He can eat flames to regenerate wounds at a fast rate. Abilities/Powers: He can lift up to around 2000 pounds and run up to 40 mph. His flight speed is 100 mph. He is highly resistant to intense heat. He has learned how to relax his wings to allow him fluid motion in combat. The wings at times resemble a cape. Fire manipulation & flame conjuration - He can control the fire around him and summon flames anywhere and where ever he can see up to a mile radius. Ignition strike - When he makes contact he can ignite the friction. The amount of friction the bigger the flame. Hindrances: He is highly susceptible to mind manipulations. He can be lured by temptations easily. Unknown Weaknesses: He relies on hand to hand and swordplay making him less effective in gun fights. He dislikes the use of too much technology so does not know much about the technological advancements of the world. Weapons: God Slayer [hider=img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/6623/f/2012/259/8/1/daughter_of_sovengarde___skyrim_mod_in_the_making_by_nym182-d4jrebu.jpg[/hider]- A blade honed from the teeth of a dragon that considered itself the god of this realm. It is a 200 ibs sword. It is virtually unbreakable. It is sealed with spells to make the only wielder the one who is King of Fotia by way of the tattoos on the King's body. History: Magnix is the son of 12 siblings. He is the number 9. He is a part of the surviving 4. He has 2 brothers and a sister alive. He grew up as a warrior from a small age and developed a intense passion for combat. But most of all he slayed Dragons. He did it primarily to protect his people from them. He witnessed from a young age the devouring of outer villages by feral dragons too beastly to show mercy. He has lived a life to become a warrior for his people. But instead he has become a King. As he was delving into his new position after his father's death (from current time 10 years ago) he learned diplomacy and other political social strengths. He spent his life without expecting to be this high up and takes it with a grain of salt. While powerful as he well knows he has weaknesses. He has been tempted by the beautiful and elegant more times than he would admit. Some times he makes his mistakes disappear to keep a good standing. His training with the man who claimed to be Lord Akuro came when he was tasked with eliminating the source of dragons on that island. His men died and he sat alone stranded. However a robed individual who was burned severely underneath took care of him. This man claimed to be Lord Akuro, and was soon to die. Before he died he said he would help Magnix. Not escape the island but to become strong enough to leave on his own. After his training was completed which took ten years this mysterious man crumbled to ash and blew away in the breeze. That was the start of the sense from Magnix that he was experiencing fate. He took a dragon he had been raising from an egg since he began his training and flew himself back to his home. Magnix has been curious as to the origins of their species. He has been promoting the libraries of history and funding expeditions to ancient lands. What he has discovered has brought about his recent seclusion. He now brings sorcerers and mystics to royal lodgings. He also pursues a relationship with the Queen of Gaia. Their meetings are mostly in secret, posing as political talks. Trivia: He has a few illegitimate children he does not see.[/center][/color][/hider] [hider=Fotian Soldiers & Guards][center][img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/db30/f/2008/362/2/8/dragon_knight_by_porco2.jpg[/img] Armor is made from various Dragon hides often combined and then painted anything close or related to red. They carry and are good with automatic rifles, rifles, flame throwers, explosives, swords, shields, and hand to hand combat. All Guards and Soldiers have undergone at least a single 10 year campaign under the Fotian armada. These campaigns dealt with clearing areas within their territories outside of the kingdom of any sentient dangers. They have proficient accuracy in wielding firearms due to training under marksmen of Fotia under their ten year period. This is also true for their sword & shield skills, including martial arts. All must be able to resist flame to join the Fotian guard, undergoing training in constant heat. Must be born in Fotia and considered a legal resident.[/center][/hider] [hider=Fotian Elite Soldiers][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/16/fd/9b/16fd9b9ae5528c33090bf71824abf725.jpg[/img][/hider]