Selessia's eyes sparked with excitement at the offer. "May I?" She gasped as she slowly reached out and touched Idris' wing. It felt somewhat odd. She thought it'd feel like a larger version of a bird's wing, but there was something that felt slightly different. Probably the fact that the skin and structure underneath was different from that of a bird's? She couldn't imagine that they'd be completely similar, or were they? Selessia squealed a little as she touched them. Moments like these really brought her inner child to the surface - or at least, closer than it already was. It was after that when Selessia somewhat considered what the spectre had said before he left. Was this really going to be the last time they got to relax? She figured he meant it figuratively but she didn't think that that bastard was someone who would do that. Surely there would be some time to relax in between the nullomancy training? Curious, she approached the bartender, Klaus. The spectre did say to approach him for any questions, after all. "Um, excuse me? Klaus?" She muttered as she sat down at the bar. "I was wondering... what is this training going to look like? Also, what exactly is currently going on? Is something going to happen?" Just as she finished speaking, she thought of another question "Oh, may I also have another drink, please?"