[h3]Kenji Hoshikawa || Star Drop Cafe || June 13 SAT[/h3] Business at the cafe was as usual on a weekend noon, filled with customers thanks to being the only cosplay cafe in town. Warakuma [i]was[/i] a rural type of town not too long ago; it was slowly developing like the neighboring big cities. That aside, today was the day a new waiter had come into work and Kenji was just in the middle of instructing Aiko Yamamoto on how to brew a hot cappuccino when the doors slammed open. By instinct, the waiters and waitresses dressed in prince/princess outfits greeted in chorus, [i]'Welcome home, master!'[/i] [color=navy][i]"Aiko! Hey Aiko I need your help!"[/i][/color] It seemed that the boy was not a customer but an acquaintance of his new trainee? Kenji lead his new waiter to whoever it was that was looking for him before the manager's eyes quickly scanned the boy. A grin replaced his curious expression as the older male started, [b]"Are you related to my new waiter here? You two resemble each other!"[/b] Noticing that he might've interrupted something between them, he bowed slightly before deciding to leave them. [b]"Sorry about that, I'll leave you two to your business but if you have time tomorrow, could you drop on by? Your build has potential to be popular among our female customers just like this boy here."[/b] His thumb pointed back towards Aiko before offering another bow and leaving their side. [h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Pastry Shop || June 13 SAT: After School[/h3] After the attempt at regaining her composure, Shizuka gratefully bowed as she received the cake from the upperclassman. [color=violet]"T-Thank you, Saji-senpai."[/color] Flashing a soft smile in appreciation, that smile became brighter as her hazel eyes sparkled at the marvelous pastry. With her habit to eat her favorite part first, the younger student picked up the fork and poked at the chestnut atop the cake before plopping it into her mouth. The satisfied expression upon her face made it evident that she was enjoying the mont blanc until Masahide thanked Shizuka once again for introducing the shop to him. But before she could reply, he continued and ended with a teasing statement. Being how she was, the female teen took the question seriously and averted her gaze to the side as she spoke in an embarrassed tone, [color=violet]"Um... No-Not as often as you think I do."[/color] A curious question relating to the topic at hand had formed in Shizuka's mind as she turned her gaze back to the upperclassman in front. [color=violet]"I-Is it strange? Do others not offer help to strangers evidently in need?[/color] She supposed not everyone would be as kind as to give their concern to strangers but being raised in an environment that encouraged such, the maiden grew up to act in such a way. Though with her shy trait, Shizuka couldn't bring herself to approach strangers unless she felt that they were in dire need of help. Time seemed to pass quickly as the two continued occasionally conversing while enjoying their coffee and cake but as the sun seemed to be setting soon, Shizuka thanked once more for Masahide's time and for the treat he bought for her before excusing herself to start heading home. [h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Warakuma Recreational Center || June 14 SUN[/h3] [i]WHACK,[/i] followed by the sound of a bouncing tennis ball. And another [i]WHACK[/i]. Ponytailed dark tresses danced in the air as the girl rushed from left to right. Sudden movements caused her sky blue pleated skirt to flutter around with each movement, flashing a peek of her upper legs. After the last [i]WHACK[/i], Shizuka released an exhausted yet satisfied sigh, lowering the tennis racket in her grip as she walked over to the bench by the court. The neatly folded towel atop the bench was picked up by the tired tennis player, before being gently tapped along her face. Having the need to see properly to accurately hit the tennis ball, the long, dark bangs were pinned up by simple, white hair pins. Her eyes were clearly visible for anyone to see but fortunately for the timid teen, she had yet to see anyone she recognized today. The towel was then tapped along her slender neck to wipe off the perspiration while Shizuka decided to buy a drink from the vending machine at the main lobby. Out of the tennis court and into the recreational center's main lobby, Shizuka walked as she dried herself with the towel. She was still in her tennis uniform, white polo shirt with a pleated sky blue skirt, since it could pull off as casual clothes anyway. Dropping a few coins into the vending machine, the teen pressed the button for a refreshing sports drink before taking a seat at one of the benches to take a sip of her drink.