Sorry guys. Yes I would say this is dead. I think it was really bad timing on my part to have started this RP when I did. I knew I was heading into a busy few weeks but naively hoped I could get this up and running on it's own so I'd only have to post occasionally until I was un-busy again. Having run RPs in the past, I should have known that wouldn't work as the first few weeks/months are usually the time when the GM needs to post the most to get everything moving. News-wise, the reason the last couple of weeks has been so busy for me (aside from the Pantomime I already mentioned, which went very well!) is that I have been busy preparing to ask my girlfriend to marry me. Which I did on Tuesday. And she said yes! So I'm -now- going to be busy sorting out weddingy things and engagement parties and whatnot. So thank you to everyone who tried to get involved with this. If you liked the concept, feel free to steal it and go make your own. I might even try to join it, as I think it might be a better idea if I was posting as a player for a while rather than a GM. Less time requirements!