Ricardo was struggling between a sense of wonder and a sense of panic. This world seemed 'too good to be true' as the old saying goes. His original guess of this being a dream was becoming less and less likely; this was far to vivid and consistent. He was now sifting through other possibilities, still shuffling behind the small holographic man. Lost in thought, Ricardo was caught by surprise when a masculine looking man in comfortable street clothes ran up to him. Ricardo stopped to listen to what the man had to say, while Adam had already turned around, halfway lifting a hand towards the man in anticipation. [quote=@rechonq] [b]"Hey, it looks like you're new here. I'm new as well, but I already changed my clothes. Do you have any idea what's going on, and who is that you're following?"[/b] He pointed to Adam, not knowing anything about him. [/quote] As the man spoke, Adam's hand lowered. The man seemed just as clueless as Ricardo. There was no need to distrust him. Ricardo replied honestly, "Hi. Yeah, I'm new here too. As for who I am following, this is Adam. He's a some sort of artificial intelligence hologram. Apparently, anytime you need a little navigating help, he will appear. As for what's going on... that's a good question." Ricardo then turned to Adam, "What is going on Adam?" "You have both arrived here today, and I am currently taking you to find new clothing." "No Adam, what I mean to ask is, 'where is here?'. "Please elaborate your question further." "What is this city? What's it's name? Where is it in relation to my home?" "This city is a city. It does not have an official name; inhabitants call it many different names. I'm afraid I am unable to answer your third question." Ricardo was surprised by how much this Adam character was giving away. He could hardly believe that it didn't strike him before to ask the all knowing computer program. But his last response was disturbing, "Wait, what? Why can't you answer my question?" Ricardo was starting to feel slightly rude, talking to the hologram rather than the man that approached him directly. But if this guy was new as well, Ricardo was sure that these questions were also on his mind. "I have no knowledge of anything outside this city." "Then you don't know where I am from or how I got here?" "I do know where you are from. I do not know how you got here." "But you just said that you have no knowledge of anything outside this city. Then how do you know where I am from?" "I have knowledge of everything inside this city; you are inside this city. Therefore, I know everything that you know." Ricardo hesitated before asking his next question. "Can you read my mind?" "I scanned your mind upon your arrival. I can do an update scan if I see the need. Currently I see no need." Ricardo turned away from the hologram, almost in disgust. He would make it a point to interrogate the little guy later, but for now, he was through with questions. Looking back to the man that approached him, Ricardo apologized, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you. My name is Ricardo. What's yours?"