[@DestinyStar] Ikanus pauses his attempts to get the smell to leave his nose when he hears a scream. He turns, all thoughts of the entrance to the cave forgotten as he spots the girl. He kneels next to Anubis and does rapid hand movements. He then stands and runs to the girl, slowly seeing the extent of her injuries as he gets closer.[i]....shes totally going to think I'm a monster...crap[/i] He makes sure his hood is down and skids onto his knees next to her, Anubis running up next to him. He raises his hands. [color=lightcoral]"I am not a monster...you are safe...the canine next to you is my pet."[/color] He then slowly visually inspects the extent of her injuries. He quickly opens up his inventory and gets bandages and potions. Once he has what he thinks is sufficient....which might actually be excessive. He opens up a party invite. His eyes then settle on her worry screaming through them. [color=lightcoral]"Please accept these and the invite...."[/color] His eyes plead with her, hoping that she will accept so that he can help her. That and if she accepts the party invite then Anubis can help heal her. Anubis wags his tail as if to show that he is friendly.