Ducking into a nearby alleyway they managed to locate a hidden passage, and once inside they could finally breath a sigh of relief. He was used to sneaking past small regiments of guards around ruins, but never around a city that they might constantly be attacked in. These disguises too were only as good so long as those being fooled had no grasp on magic; Fiona would look right through them as he'd been told, that was reassuring. Smiling exasperatedly he rubbed at his neck once the door closed behind them, removing his own ring for the time being and pocketing it. Before they got too ahead of themselves they should get their bearings with the map. Looking to it as Regol showed it he nodded at the gestures, not completely sure himself what they should do. "If you're asking me... Demoko can wait. We might need some of those supplies, probably best we hold onto them for now," he mumbled, inspecting the map thoroughly for their passage inside. Looking then to the poster he furrowed his brow curiously, then raising it when he saw Regol stood among others. A propaganda poster for the Templars, so this man was one of them then? Or a traitor at any rate, now he could understand why Link was so wary around him. If someone defected once they could do it again, though from what he'd seen so far there was no reason to think Regol would. Best to be a little safe though. "Crazy people...? Yeah, my parents called me that when I told them what I wanted to do too," Caelan laughed, smirking as he glanced at Link, "That's coming from a kid waging a war against the Templars though, want to talk about crazy? As for what I do... I don't know really. I love hunting treasure, its exciting. I love seeing the old ruins and exploring them, finding what mysteries they have for me to uncover. Aside from that though? I guess I'm interested in expanding my magic, and learning more about magic in general." A lot of people his age were getting into some kind of trade, enlisting in the guard or, now that he knew more of it, probably joining the Templars. That was all fine and well but it wasn't what he wanted, he wanted to explore and learn about what [i]he[/i] wanted to learn about, not what some instructor or craftsman told him to. Nothing reassured you like some veteran like Regol saying Fiona was deadly. Just how bad was this woman? Both Demoko and Regol seemed to be extremely wary of her, and their fighting force was a mere fraction of what it had been before. Getting into any kind of fight then was out of the question unless they had a death wish. "We'll find out I'm sure, no use in getting caught up on it now. Best to keep our minds on what's going on, right?" And that meant rescuing the Princess, something he still thought was completely absurd. Seriously, how were the three of them going to ever make it out of the castle if it did come to a fight? "You want me to lead? Oh sure, let me be the canary. If I die or hit a trap then you'll know where not to go," the water mage remarked sarcastically, sighing before looking ahead down the tunnel. It actually made sense for him to lead, he should be able to recognize if there were traps hidden anywhere. "Uh... Regol right? Can you give Link the map? I want someone who can... You know, talk, to tell me which way to go. I need to keep an eye out for traps, I can't be staring at a map the whole time."