[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] There's also a bit of ignorance on my part as I've never read Tolkien so I wouldn't know about LOTR magics that people are suggesting. Basically I don't really know what people mean by Tolkien-style magic which is hidden but people know about it or something like that. [/quote] Sorry Clock I simply meant that the way we refer to, inference and use magic might best be left vague like Tolkiens work, not literally like [b]THIS IS HOW MAGIC WORKS AND NOTHING ELSE[/b] approach. [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] Knowing me, its most likely a combination of both, probably stemming from the fact this hasn't gone exactly the way I thought it would [/quote] I don't know what to tell you except let's all work together. No singular vision will prevail.