[@Zelosse] Tailpin Lvl 11/Day 17/Morning [b][HP][/b][i]100%[/i][color=007236]//////////[/color][b][][/b] Well, there had been better mornings. Tailpin awoke to the sound of a pair of private messages arriving, both from his Guild Leader. He was half asleep when he read the guildwide message. Truth be told, he'd forgotten about the meeting while he was hunting yesterday so there was a moment of relief. But that was before he connected the dots back to his own experience. That blood had to come from somewhere, or someone. He read the second message. It was thoughtful, especially for the "manager." He pulled up his menu and crafted a message. Attaching items meant it had to go by NPC courier but they were still very fast and they never delivered to the wrong person. DELCASTLE, APOLOGIES UNNECESSARY. EMERGENCIES UNDERSTOOD. SCHEDULE CHANGE NOTED. REQUESTED ITEMS ENCLOSED. REPORT POSSIBLY RELEVANT TO INCIDENT: BLOOD TRAIL FOUND IN SQUARE, I FOLLOWED IT TO A ROOM ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE INN, THIRD DOOR ON THE LEFT. TRAIL HAD LIMITED PERSISTENCE AND VANISHED AFTER A PERIOD OF TIME. SOURCE UNIDENTIFIED. TIME WHEN TRAIL WAS CREATED UNKNOWN. INFORMATION VALUE = UNCERTAIN. PERSONAL QUERY (RESPONSE OPTIONAL): WHO WAS HURT? WHAT KIND OF INJURIES INFLICTED THAT WERE NOT POTION HEALABLE? DID THEY BLEED? With the message complete, Tailpin selected the two items and attached them to the message. The menu closed and a small brown box manifested in a dim light in the palm of his hand. He roused himself fully, went downstairs, found a courier outside the front door of the inn and paid the small fee for delivery. The male NPC politely thanked Tailpin for his patronage and then went... back inside the inn and up the stairs. There was a sinking feeling in the archer's gut as he sat on a bench facing the stairs and ordered breakfast. Thus, he waited. He wasn't sure if he would get a reply or spot Delcastle. If he didn't, then he had a different kind of training in mind for today. Raw experience would only counter monsters. He needed to be able to fight smarter than everyone else, even if he ended up isolated. If this game included a blood trail then tracking might be possible. He would have to try and see if he could develop a tracking skill somehow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smarter'n'me Lvl 15/Day 16/Night [b][HP][/b][i]100%[/i][color=007236]//////////[/color][b][][/b] And... the fight ended with a rat-spit sucker punch. Smarter'n'me wasn't that disappointed though. It would have sucked if the crazy had had a fair fight and died. Well, crazy doesn't exactly get fair, now does it. The trip to the campsite was easy enough for the spry jumper and he actually started setting up before his laden companion arrived. A short time later they were sitting beside a fire and seasoning the pork with their usual flavor of grousing. Sure it always tasted like dirt and it always smelled awesome. Maybe the two of them had both just dealt with too much bull for things to taste better. "Sure, I'll throw fifty away on that." He said smartly in response to Dom, taking a moment to turn the pork. "Not like either of us are really poor, right?" He knew well enough that for them to both get to their current strength they had to have accumulated a certain amount of extra coin. "This little miss might clean up nice but she's got to have that special nutty flavor, right?" He wouldn't admit it out loud, but Smart was tired. He always tended to shift to puns when he got tired. While Dom's eyes went to the sky, Smart kept his on the girl. Games could never reduce a person to that. They just... weren't supposed to. His eyes got a little darker as he brooded beneath the shadows of his bushy eyebrows.