"If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl", Fili instructed him as they kept reassuring him that it was okay to go into treachorous territory. "Twice like a barn owl, hoot twice like a brown, hoots like a, like a… Uh, are you sure this is a good idea?", Bilbo kept to keep their info in his head, but was still confused. However, as he turns around, he sees that Kili, Fili, and the Fae have ditched him. But, Maleficent didn't really leave him, she was hiding in one of the trees above him, letting the darkness camoflouge her. But, the problem was that Bilbo didn't get very far, and was eventually caught by the trolls. All three of them. She kept her profile low in the tree, hoping to find an opening, but there wasn't one. That was until she heard a voice in the clearing... ((Fight?))