[h2]Samantha Wellington[/h2] Location: The Gym Time: After the Headmistress’ New Speech Samantha could not believe what she was hearing out of Emma Standiford’s mouth. The school, a place she had called home for many many years, where she had gotten her own education, fed off of the students abilities. Her hormones, already in flux due to her pregnancy, and also being muddled with earlier, were in overdrive. “You’ve always known, and yet have kept this school open? And full of people for it to eat!? What kind of monster are you Emma!” “It’s not as easy as all of that Samantha.” The Headmistress looked tired. This morning she had looked her normal hardy self, but the last few hours had drained years from her. “I wish I could explain it in a way that would make everything better, but I can’t. This place...” She shook her head and trailed off. Her voice was quiet and didn’t carry like it would normally, as such only those closest to her could hear her, especially her next words. “Is the monster.” “So, has everyone that has died here in an ‘accident’ or ‘mysterious circumstance’ been this school’s snack? And you are just okay with it? Why let students in if you’re just going to toss them to the school, or do you just not care? Is this some sick joke to you?” Samantha was well aware that most of the students were watching her yell at the headmistress at this point, but didn’t care. She had lost someone, and now she knew why. This damn fucking school. “I’ve never been okay with it. I would love to have never been here. To never know that someone would die next. That could be the best life, but it isn’t that simple Samantha. I can’t just turn the school off if there’s no one here.” The woman was starting to look flustered, that was a first. Samantha narrowed her eyes at Emma and then let out a frustrated growl. “You will explain everything to me later, but right now, it seems we need to implement some new damn rules around here to make sure we don’t lose anymore students.” She turned towards the bleachers and let out a cough to get their attention. “I know many of you are most likely distressed and upset to being stranded here, but for now, we need to all work together to figure a way out of here. I know for many of you Miss Snow left you a clue of sorts, to help us figure out a way out. However, do not go pursue these clues on your own. From now on, I want everyone to be in groups of two or more, preferably of three. Curfew is redacted, and classes are most likely cancelled. Emma, don’t you even dare try to argue with me on this. However, don’t do anything stupid, and please, keep yourselves safe, in every meaning of the word.” She looked up at some of the older students as she said this. “We teachers will still be here, but not in the teaching capacity. If you don’t feel safe, come to us, and we will help you. We want to get the hell out of here as much as you do.” Samantha could just hear Emma’s voice behind her, “A splendid plan.” It carried no notes of sarcasm. Samantha let out a small sigh. Sure, it wasn’t much of a plan, but it would do, for now.