[quote=@Sven the Silent] [@Kingfisher] You're apparantly not intelligent enough to understand that a vertiberd can not make a transantlantic flight, hence I said that specifically. I knew even you could understand that. You have said nothing, nothing to back up anything that you've said. I've been continously poking holes in everything you've been saying because there is not a single grain of truth to be found. Amusingly enough, if you would ever participate in the chat on this website. The people there found your character quite amusing also. But of course, in your eyes they're all idiots now because they disliked something you made. [/quote] The Boomers didn't use a vertibird. They used a plane. The brotherhood didn't use a vertibird. They used an airship. And, as has been pointed out multiple times, the journey from Boston to Canada is supposed to have been made on foot. You presented your case. I presented mine. You decided mine wasn't valid because you said so. That's not the same as me not presenting evidence. They're perfectly entitled to view my character however they like. As long as they can articulate their issues in a civil manner, I'm even happy to discuss it with them. I have no problem putting my characters up to scrutiny. I do, however, have an issue with people turning what could be an outlet for constructive criticism into a dick-swinging contest so they can convince themselves that they're the superior writer. If you had a genuine interest in improving the quality of mine and my fellow writers work then you would have conveyed that in a manner which didn't involve name-calling and insulting our intelligence. I've certainly got better things to do than contribute to the swelling of your clearly disproportionately bloated ego, and I'm sure/hope you have better things to do than lecture someone you believe to be completely inferior and beyond your saintly teachings. I am going to stop replying to your posts in regards to this matter now, and I'd encourage you to find something else to pass the time between masturbating over your own reflection.