[@AccursedBiscuit] The kid nodded shakily, holding his arm he licked his chapped lips as he tried to get his words about him. "I work for the woman, she just, just called me. See we have this phone for emergency and well..Listen its a barn, its outside of the city, its where those farms are at that teens would sneak to during prom. One of em is called Misty Meadow and the owner told me to get there. I can show you the way but I can't go alone." He looked like he was about to cry, his mother was gone, probably killed, only way he worked there was caused Reena took in "troubled teens" for her stable. And now he had no idea what to do, he was no gang member, he was just a kid who smoked pot when no one was looking and skipped school. His shoulders shaking he began to mumble, yet he clung to that phone for dear life. "Please, please just help me get out of here, please!"