[center][h3][color=yellow]Outside Okay Bank[/color][/h3][/center] Regus returned Blackout's stare with a sideways glance of his own, something about Blackout didn't seem quite... normal. Sure he was a villain, and technically Regus was a villain as well. But Blackout was obviously rather different from Regus, though it was hard to define why. Regus's thoughts were interupted by the sound of paint splattering and the entire area around his makeshift cover quickly turning blue, followed by Chroma ordering them to stand down. Regus had been considering what to do in response when Blackout suddenly stepped out from cover and fired: at the same time slipping on the blue paint and falling to the ground. Regus swiftly shifted his roadblock a few feet over to cover his downed ally. Then, he released the road and grabbed Blackout's hand, hauling the villain to his feet as best he could. Obviously the blue paint must be pretty slick but it was still kinda sad to fall like that. [color=yellow]"Maybe you should not step on the paint, savy?"[/color] Clearly it would be easier to wait for Chroma to approach so there was less paint between them so Regus planned on waiting until the ward was close enough to hit. If he was lucky the ward wouldn't realize that the upturned road could just as easily function as an oversized club as it could a wall. Of course if it was just Chroma this shouldn't be too difficult, but wards tended to move in groups. Regus checked around for other enemies and steadily spread control of his power through the surrounding area while he waited for his chance to whack the ward.