Name: Venya Veralla Age: 23 Gender: Female [hider=Appearance] [hider=Normal][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Armor][img][/img][/hider] [/hider] Class: The Champion Weapons: Venya main weapon is her sword but she is well versed in the uses of many other weapons. She may be seen using staves, axes, spears, or any other form of common weapon she can get her hands on at the time. Stats: Strength=25% Bloodlust=17% Intelligence=27% Spirit=22% Vitality=22% Agility=18% Backstory: Venya grew up in a large city. Her father was a member of the royal guars as thus she rarely saw him. Her older brother Thander (older by 12 years) had been training in the art of sword fighting since before she was born. In turn she grew up with her brother always practicing, when she was finally old enough she had asked him to teach her, mainly because she was a bored, and adventurous soul who was ready and willing to learn anything she could. Her brother, being 22 now, agreed. He had stuck around because their mother had fallen ill and without him nobody would be able to take care of Venya. Thus her training started, she was never very strong so in order to in she had to come up with other ways to beat her brother. She was a fast learner and almost matched her brother's skill by the time she was 15. It was around this time that the sibling's father was ordered to house a traveling Hero. The Hero saw the girl's potential as the siblings trained and eventually agreed to take her on as an apprentice. From there her training really took off. Learning various fighting styles, be it hand to hand or with a multitude of weapons, as well as various minor spells. The training never allowed her to specialize in any one area of fighting, this being because, other than her ability to learn quickly, she didn't show high aptitudes for anything. The best thing for her was to learn as much as she could this way she could arm herself in an arsenal of knowledge and hopefully be able to utilize it when needed. Venya's training was cut short however when one night her master did not return from the quest he had gone on. The girl, now 22, waited for the old Hero to return for another week before coming to the conclusion that something had happened to him. Thus she set out on her own to find him. She searched for a year but found no trace of him. Even when she returned to his home to see if he had come back she found nothing, everything was as she had left it. A month later she managed to catch a lead which very quickly came to the conclusion she had dreaded most. Her master had been killed while trying to complete his quest. The old man couldn't handle what was given to him and had refused help. His pride killed him. She now wonders the land looking for adventure.