[hider= Kamen Usagi!][center]Usagi Tsuneo "Kamen Usagi"[/center] [center] [img]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d110/infichigo/Mask%20Rabbit_zpsb5xji2ls.png[/img] [/center] [u][b] Age[/b][/u]: 19 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [hider][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/23/eb/94/23eb9464ff52e7306ad25b756a22be2e.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Usagi is a bit of an air headed individual, always forgetting names and places and appointments. “Ah... Was I supposed to be there... oops...” He's possibly the worst human being to rely on in any situation. He is easily frightened and flee's if any situation becomes something that is a bit too uncomfortable. “Usagi-san... I like you....” “...” “Usagi...? Usagi san!? Where did you go!?” In short, he is unreliable, forgetful and obsessed with his own comfort above anything else.... But once he puts on his mask, he becomes, Kamen Usagi! Kamen Usagi is fearless! Brave! Strong! Everything that Usagi is not... for better for worse. Kamen Usagi is a bit crass and delinquent like. He is the polar opposite of Usagi in every way. Making him a bit more... aggressive as well. “Oi! Clean that $%&^ up!!” No one is quite sure why Usagi changes when he puts on the mask... nor does anyone really want to ask, as Usagi will run away and Kamen Usagi will try to beat them up. [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: The only Equipment Kamen Usagi needs are these few items! 1. The Chain of Beating- A long metal chain that Kamen Usagi found while searching an abandoned warehouse. He decided to pick this up and turn it into one of his main weapons. He mostly uses it as a form of brass knuckle, wrapping it around his hand. But he also has been known to use it as a means of tripping or mid range beat stick. 2. The Bat of Learning- A tool he uses to teach criminals a real lesson! Like the yard stick certain teachers used years ago, he uses his Bat of Learning to make sure that villains don't do that thing... they did... again. It's.... It's just a bat.... he found it at a yard sale for three hundred yen... 3. The Knife of Opening- It's a pocket knife, he often uses it to open stubborn food packages and boxes... and sometimes those items you buy at the store, where the plastic gets stuck on them and you just cant for the life of you get it open. SO you try really hard but it just doesn't wanna budge and you get the knife out. Yeah. That's this knife. 4. The Cellphone of Communication- It's... his cellphone, he has a rabbit charm on it and the numbers of all his friends... Kamen Usagi mostly uses it to call for ambulances. [u][b]Abilities/Skills[/b][/u]: Usagi's Abilities- Usagi has the skill to run away in any situation without a trace. Due to his years of hiding and fleeing like a scared little rabbit, his stealth is on par with that of a seasoned hide and seek player. Meaning, you could probably find him, if you tried... but it would be mildly difficult. He also has the ability to read a situation, combined with his fear and paranoia, Usagi is actually quite good at reading situations and people, getting a good handle on intents and feelings. Though he can't pick out a person that is lying, he can spot say, potential pick pockets and sociopaths... this skill has never come in handy for Usagi. Usagi also has, a near professional level cooking skill, as he's spent most of his life cooking for himself and his mother. His skills have landed him part time jobs at cooking booths during summer and winter festivals. Though, nothing permanent as Usagi runs away in fear whenever the manager comes in to speak with him. Kamen Usagi on the other hand... Natural Fighter- Kamen Usagi uses the knowledge he's gained from watching anime and kung fu movies, as well as his street fights to become a natural brawler. He is quite physically strong, capable of lifting weights up to three hundred pounds. Keen Vision- Because of Usagi's natural fear causing him to always look around, Kamen Usagi has developed keen vision. Capable of watching his opponents movements and countering, though he fails if the opponent is stronger than himself, it does give him a bit of a leg up in preparing for an attack. Improviser- Utilizing improvised weaponry is Kamen Usagi's specialty, being just a normal brawler. He doesn't have much power of skill, but he can utilize a trashcan as a weapon like no ones business! [u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Usagi's father left him at a very young age, in fact he doesn't even remember much about him or what he looks like. Because of this, his mother was always busy working multiple jobs just to put food on the table. Usagi took it upon himself to cook meals for the family, so his mother could have some form of rest and relax after her days... he never told her the struggles he was going through in school. Being picked on by bullies and his thrown to the ground, even beaten. He kept it all inside of himself and moved forward, always trying to keep a smiling face for his mother. One day, during a festival, he witnessed a bully attacking another kid and... he couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something, but he wasn't capable of lifting a finger against the boys, what could he do after all? He was weak... it was then, he came up with a plan. He would just become someone else! He used what little money he had to buy a mask from one of the vendors as the festival and put it on. With the mask came a new found confidence in himself, he could now release his inner feelings and do what he couldn't do before.. Kamen Usagi was born that day! He used the power gifted to him by the mask, the power of self-confidence, to defeat the bullies and send them running away. From that day forward, he vowed he would be a hero that stopped those bullies... but only when he could wear his mask, cause bullies are scary and he doesn't wanna fight them... [u][b]Hero Rank[/b][/u]: E Class, Kamen Usagi did very well in the physical aspect but... usagi had a nervous breakdown during the written... [u][b]Theme Song[/b][/u]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuVAaU63K7k]What I'm Made Of[/url] [/hider]