[quote=@VKAllen] Except of its aging status. The Japs need to get some babies goin. [/quote] There's a few... [i]Interesting[/i] rants about why this isn't happening in the comments of GaijinGoomba's video about simdates. [quote=@VKAllen] Guilty of this, although I am starting to look at European Armings/Hand-and-a-halves for primary weapons now. Simply put, thanks to Anime, Katanas have far more exposure than European Swords (therefore easier to find pictures of). That being said-- In real life situation I'd prefer a European Sword over a Katana. [/quote] Something feels really off about this whole thing. I mean, one of the biggest katana movies on this side of the pond was [i]Highlander[/i], but only 9 years later, the definitive movie about actual Highlanders came out, and Braveheart wielded a Claymore. It smells a bit like the illuminati prefers European swords to me, which must mean that Katanas are better sheerly from a moral standpoint. Katana wielders obviously would have a resistance towards this obvious subliminal messaging...