[center][b] "We will get to that in a minute, Sir Mitchell... Doctor Draini. Is everything Captain Chase said true? Did you find an antidote?" [/b][/center] Rae wanted to let out a long hard sigh at the question but she knew it was inappropriate to do so in the current situation. She just didn't understand why they had to ask the same thing again and again when it was already clearly stated as well as answered. Of course, the fact was that they just plain didn't want to believe anyone they viewed as a criminal since they were short minded and thought all criminals to be lairs. She calmed herself, taking a moment before stepping forward to speak a reply to the council in front of her. "If the information given was incorrect I would have spoken up the second the words had been said. An antidote has been found though I can hardly take credit for its discovery. It was a team effort between myself and the two crewmates of the Monroe, Reena Vaemas val Mari'Dosvin and Tymea L’cint. Now, if I may, you did request if there is anything the Captain has not added which I would like to discuss. It has nothing to do with the current situation on topic but it needs to be addressed promptly. I, Doctor Luirae Draini, formerly request the reassignment and transfer of two crew members aboard the Monroe. One, Terrance Ward and the other being Meghan Jackson. Though these two are both remarkable in their own right,these crew members are not an excellent fit for the Monroe and could be of more efficient use on another vessel." Rae spoke up, her tone serious and her eyes keeping off of the Raymond as she spoke. She hated having do this part but they were going to ask her sooner or later and they would be in horrible trouble and probably be punished for months in petty ways.