[@thewizardguy] Mithias gasped as he saw the second explosion. A second one was somehow more unexpected than a first, and he scrutinized rapidly with all his senses, concerned that he may be in danger. Yellow eyes narrowed as the distant lightshow reflected off his pale skin. There, just before it vanished again, the vampire caught a glimpse of a shadow, a humanoid figure, a few miles off. So, somebody was causing these explosions of light, destroying the stone structures and plateaus of this odd location. Could there be a reason? Oh there was always a reason. The vampire scanned the horizon desperately for any sign of where that being had gone off too. The last thing he wanted was to get jumped (and of course incinerated) by this highly dangerous entity. A third explosion broke the darkness. Thankfully, it was still a safe distance away. There again was the figure. The air was dry and warm and smelled like clean sand or rather, rock. Mithias considered his approach. This must have been who Bob had meant for him to meet, but suddenly dimension-jumping over there might scare the shit out of them. Running would be best to mask his powers, but staying on the ground was probably a bad idea. The vampire's feet left the ground. He'd better get used to flying. Somewhere near to where the strange person had been blowing up plateaus, one of the giant, petrified mushrooms began to burn. The organic particles trapped between the molecules of silicon and calcium reacted in the heat, causing a smouldering brightness and giving an orange glow to the entire mushroomy shape. In was like a glowing neon orange phallic icon in the middle of the desert in the otherwise dark of night. Not far from that, Mithias hovered just below the clouds, ready to watch the results of his little distraction. Another mushroom caught fire, and then another. Eventually the ring of glowing shrooms would be impossible to miss.