[b]Introduction[/b] Cyren snapped awake, his claws unsheathed, as his chest heaved up and down. The look of shock washed over his calm face, as he slowly sat up and stretched out, trying to ignore the recurring dream that had pressed into his mind for night after night. His eyes soon returned to their calm state, as he glanced around where he was. He never slept near the other lions, keeping to himself unless he was needed. Why? Cyren didn't much know how to interact. His voice wasn't loud, or booming. He actually rarely spoke to anyone. It was just how he was. Most would compare the male lion to a rock. He didn't speak, barely showed emotion, and went about his business like a lion at war. He worked on what he was told to, ate, and then wandered off by himself to sleep alone. Definitely not good people skills.