1. Uh huh? 2. Oh? 3. Really? 4. Profit, you say? 5. Mhm? 6. Nuh uh! 7. Of course? 8. U wot m8? 9. Nein nein nein! 10. Oh wait this number is extra, isn't it? 11. I figure it's useless if I try and argue with you. Obviously, as you've said, everything I did made no sense and anything I say in my defense can be ignored. If anything, I do realize the fault in my actions. Regardless of skill or poetry, Iolanthe's kit is mostly countered by Sigurd, and her only saving graces (leg speed & visual prowess) are constantly refuted. Her only magic, the spear, is initially mitigated by Sigurd's arm? (which I figure [i]should [/i]burden the weight on his legs, at least!) And you still treat her like she should be as fast as a normal knight, regardless of my hope that I could make a 'speedy tank,' type character. She's not physically stronger than anyone here, and her armour is a lower grade than most... I suppose I should aim to make a character on the stronger side of a tier, before pitching forks. This entire fight, re-read, all my posts have been about Iolanthe fighting hard, formulating strategies on spot, using her perception, struggling, and trying her best to overcome a difficult opponent; I wanted to make her relatable. Any time Sigurd's name was mentioned, it was usually about a move, or in respect to his abilities, things noticed. Looking back, only in your most recent post did you even mention Iolanthe's name, even though Sigurd knew it, usually your posts stated how [i]she [/i]was being a failure, how he was obviously capitalizing on every crack in her armour, and how he seemed so superior in every aspect. If arguing with you merits nothing, at least I can still express myself to you. So... the above is the main reason why I did not enjoy this fight. You can tell me your own opinion on why, feel free to, I'd prefer the feeling shared. I assume you'll say it's because nothing I do makes sense to you? Perhaps in the future we'll both better ourselves after this exchange of ire. A post is pending.