[h3][center][color=plum]Ambrosia[/color][/center][/h3] Ambra moved easily across the snowy ground, her long strides covering a good bit of ground at the steady trot. It was the most common pace to see in a wolf trying to cover ground without tiring. They could run for a good distance but not near the distance they could cover at a steady trot without stopping. Plus it allowed the pup they had found to keep up with the much larger adults. Even though pups grew at an astounding rate Myst was still small enough that she occasionally had a hard time keeping up, mostly just when they'd been on the move for an extended period of time. Bringing up the hind of the pack was Niall, he was the largest wolf Ambra had seen since she had left her homeland in Russia. Behind him were close to 15 horses carrying supplies for the pack. The animals trusted the massive wolf fiercely, they defied every instinct they had by following Niall's trail that he plowed through the snow for them. It was just a few inches of snow on the ground but his massive paws packed it into a easily navigable trail for the animals behind him. They were nearly to the cabin and as Ambra looked around them she was glad that they had picked this place to come and live out the remainder of their long lives. Evergreen spruce trees among other rose high into the sky around them as they headed down the last slope before they reached the small mining camp that they had managed to purchase from the family down south that owned it. The property covered an expansive thousand acres of land that bordered the national park nearby and would give them exclusive rights to take backpackers and other outdoor enthusiast through the property for the adventure of a lifetime. The humans would never know that they were the safest outfitters that they could possibly travel with. Looking carefully around at the trees she could see the break in them ahead and see the distinctive look of a log cabin along the tree line. '[i][color=plum]We are almost there![/color][/i]' she called to the wolves behind her. This was breath taking country, snow coated the branches of the trees that surrounded them and bird calls filled the air with chipper noise. It was a cacophony of sounds, a symphony of nature that filled her ears as she carefully inspected the area ahead of them. It wasn't more than a few strides before they reached the edge of the opening that was the mining camp. The cabins were old and weathered, it had been nearly sixty years since the men who had lived here for many years years had left. They had boarded up the cabins as best they could, clearly having intended to come back to this place to find more gold. The windows were covered with boards filled with nails that were now coated in a thick layer of rust. Ambra could also see the tips of nails poking out from the board laying at the door of the cabin. Some of the other cabins had not faired as well, the boards had come off and the windows had broken but for the most part they all seemed to be in decent shape. She could see a chimney rising up from inside the cabin nearest her, and on several of the other cabins. That was a good sign that there would still be wood stoves inside. She pushed her wolf beneath the surface and quivered as she rapidly changed forms, becoming a tall young woman with lengthy, loosely braided, platinum blonde hair that flowed down her chest from inside the fur lined hood of her thick jacket. It was still fairly cold out this far north even though it was the beginning of summer. Ambra guessed it to be around 32 degrees if it was that warm but the sunshine that beamed down from the blue sky helped a tremendous amount for the feel of the air, especially for those with dark coats. "[color=plum]Home, sweet home my dears.[/color]" Ambra called aloud in her cool high voice, it was clear and cool against the sounds around them. These birds had never encountered humans in their lifetime let alone Lycans and paid her voice no mind. Her blue eyes were as icy as the landscape around her as she looked around her at all that was now theres.