[quote=@Chimera] This entire fight, re-read, all my posts have been about Iolanthe fighting hard, formulating strategies on spot, using her perception, struggling, and trying her best to overcome a difficult opponent; I wanted to make her relatable. Any time Sigurd's name was mentioned, it was usually about a move, or in respect to his abilities, things noticed. Looking back, only in your most recent post did you even mention Iolanthe's name, even though Sigurd knew it, usually your posts stated how [i]she [/i]was being a failure, how he was obviously capitalizing on every crack in her armour, and how he seemed so superior in every aspect. [/quote] Different styles of writing, I guess... honestly, though, both can work equally well. Ideally, you want to pounce on weaknesses [i]and[/i] emphasize your own strengths and abilities, thus utilizing both your kit and theirs to the maximum extent. Knowledge and research helps as well, of course :)