Talli was crouched on the ground eying a bird that landed on a rock where she was. She enjoyed scaring birds the way they cawed and flew away made her laugh every time. Though just as she was about to pounce when her stomach growled. She sighed as the bird flew away, knowing she was there. She stood up straight and started looking for some food. She wasn't the best at hunting big game on her own so she decided to settle on catching mice and small birds. They were easier to take down, and more fun for her to chase. _______________________________________________________ Rook watched Kikatili pace. He knew what she was thinking. She wanted the pride lands for herself and wished death upon all the pridlanders. He cringed a little when he heard her growl. But remained silent. Simply watching, he didn't want to get on the bad side of the only person who was willing to allow him to be a part of their pride, no matter how small it was. He was set on protecting the pride he now called his and would do whatever it took to make sure they were surviving. He refused to let Kikatili and Ziwa do all the hunting partially because he was used to hunting for his own food and partially because there was so few of them and such little prey that they could use all the hunters they could get.