[quote=@Drifting Pollen] Different styles of writing, I guess... honestly, though, both can work equally well. Ideally, you want to pounce on weaknesses [i]and[/i] emphasize your own strengths and abilities, thus utilizing both your kit and theirs to the maximum extent. Knowledge and research helps as well, of course :) [/quote] Oh for sure, I myself tried best to capitalize on any weaknesses I saw. As slight as they were! I honestly expected the fight to drag out longer, allowing me to fully utilize a somewhat risky tactic I had in mind. But of course I lost track of time. The old fashioned swing dodge swing dodge swing battle just bores me, however, so that's why I went for these unorthodox attacks that aren't so simple. My own amusement, and enjoyment. I tried my best to enjoy the fight, and as annoyed as I got... I had a smidgen of fun [i]trying[/i]. That's what matters, right?