[hider=Alice Marlowe][list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Alice Marlowe [*][u][b]Hero Name[/b][/u]: Exactly the same. [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 24 [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/ac33/th/pre/i/2016/044/8/3/alice_marlowe__adult__by_moerin_satsuki-d9rliyk.png[/img] Naturally, her hair's perfectly straight and golden blonde. [*][u][b]Superhero Appearance[/b][/u]: She might take the tie off. [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Alice is someone that got into the whole idea of noir a bit too much and, consequently, tries to play the hardboiled detective even though she has neither the life experience nor depressing past to facilitate it. Though she shares the common vices, in the end she's neither that jaded nor that selfish; the white-haired girl's more of a cheerfully sarcastic altruist. [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: She has a cigarette lighter. [*][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u]: Taken together, and following the tendency for superheroes to give their abilities grandiose names, Alice once claimed hers was the "Human Hekatonkheires", given the resemblance to having multiple heads and limbs: [list][*][u]Hair Control[/u]: Rather than simply having prehensile hair, which you'd think would mean neat hair but apparently doesn't, Alice has the ability to freely alter its length, colour, and to an extent its physical properties. It therefore serves multiple purposes as extra limbs, restraints, stabby death, and a shield. It's actually more versatile than Alice has realised. If she practised more and spent some time looking up architecture and physics, it would be even more dangerous. [*][u]Multitasking:[/u] A requisite ability to being able to actually make use of the ability to control tens of thousands of strands of hair, which also makes Alice fully able to multitask to an unusual degree. It's not something that she really puts to any decent use; incidental ability to pay full attention to background events when focusing is the most it's used for aside from making her notable ability not... useless.[/list] [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: Despite having an ability that would suggest removing the need to get involved in a fistfight, Alice actually prefers it and learned martial arts specifically to facilitate at least somewhat emulating her childhood heroes. It makes her somewhat of an oddity in the end--a hero with super-powers unrelated to fighting... who regardless starts off with using her bare hands unless the situation's dire enough. As her nominal career would suggest, she's got pretty decent ability at investigating a scene for information and piecing together clues. She's also a perfectly good shot with a gun but being in Japan means that she's not actually in possession of one--which the girl finds a bit unfortunate, because a good way to stop almost any non-super-tough villain was to sneak a gun behind them with her hair and hold it to the back of their neck. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Born in a small region of the US that for a year or two had an odd amount of children with unusual powers--and no reason ever confirmed--it was only the professions of Alice's parents that caused her to ever take up being a superhero: one was part of the police and the other wrote crime novels for a living. Though she would rather have become a PI, the disconnect between reality and her aspirations put Alice off it after a short attempt. Becoming a superhero was the next best thing, and any attempt to treat things like such a mystery makes her far more enthusiastic than the occasional routine 'please help rescue my cat' blunders. Her initial reason for coming to Japan after her childhood friends' wedding was to improve her martial arts, but the strange amount of villainous activity has convinced her to stay for longer. [*][u][b]Hero Rank[/b][/u]: C-Rank [*][u][b]Theme Song[/b][/u]: [url=https://youtu.be/ZIk3P8sBKrQ]This.[/url][/list][/hider]