[hider=Elena Reese][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5e/59/d4/5e59d443a2dfc7f3331ec19f01ad9403.jpg[/img] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/54705827/original.gif[/img] [color=lightgreen]Quote: "Don't let others get you down, stand up for yourself." Name: Elena Reese Age: 20 Gender: Female Height: 5'6 Weight: 126lbs Ethnicity: Caucasian Sexuality: Lesbian Religion: Agnostic (Formally Catholic.) Occupation: Full time college student/part-time cashier. (Hopes to be a singer someday.) Ability: Electrokinesis. Evo Class: 3 Personality: Elena is usually seen to be a very friendly person, she is always very kind and caring towards others even for those she doesn't know and expects the same in return. She is rarely ever seen mad, but when she does she will stand up for herself when the time comes she likes making new friends and getting to know newer people when she gets the chance to. Elena is always the friend to have your back she can always be the friend to have a shoulder to lean on. Elena is always enthusiastic, in her spare time Elena enjoys music and likes to sing as one of her hobbies and hopes to actually be famous someday. Background: Elena was born into a very strict Catholic family near the city of Pittsburgh, her father was pastor while her mother was a nurse. Growing up Elena was very close to her parents at the time she was even the lead for her church's quire which was where her interest in music. In school Elena always got very good grades, when Elena got into high school she started to find herself more and more attracted towards women. At the time she knew that it was wrong and kept it a secret from both her friends and family up until her final year of high school, at first she told her friends who were all very supportive of her. Though when Elena came to her parents they were instantly furious and ended up kicking her out of the house. Having no where else to go she moved in with one of her friends until she finally graduated from high school and even got herself a scholarship. When Elena tried to mend things with her family they all got into a very heated argument one night which was then her ability emerged. Elena became furious with her family eventually all of the light bulbs in her parents house exploded and everything electronic overloaded causing power to her parents whole house to shut off. Scared at what happened Elena quickly left the house, using her money from working Elena moved up to LA. Her scholarship only able to pay some of the tuition costs Elena got a part-time job at a grocery store to pay some of the bills as well as singing in bars as well for some extra money. When Elena has free time she focused on her ability having some control over it, though still at times when her emotions get the better of her, the lights or anything electronic will short circuit.[/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Senator Elizabeth Reyes][img]http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/DM-Resize/photos.demandstudios.com/getty/article/103/234/81283460.jpg?w=600&h=600&keep_ratio=1&webp=1[/img] Quote: "Evo's are a danger to all of us, and they all either need to be monitored or put somewhere where they cannot harm the rest of mankind." Name: Senator Elizabeth Reyes Age: 46 Gender: Female Height: 5'7 Weight: 145 Ethnicity: Caucasian Sexuality: Heterosexual Religion: Christian Occupation: Senator of California (Republican) Currently running for President of the US. Ability: Telepathic Evo Class: 2 Personality: Elizabeth is a very passionate person, and knows how to get a crowd going when she is out making speeches, she has the best interest in the citizens which is why she has started campaigning for the presidency. She views Evo's as a threat to humanity as a whole, and has pushed many bills through on the monitoring of Evo's though they have never made it through. Though when the high school was attacked, the Bennet Act was quickly voted on and passed. Elizabeth to the crowd is seen as a very loving and caring person, however behind close doors she becomes very persuasive as well as manipulative and usually gets what she wants. Rumor has it that she is actually an Evo herself, but this has never been proven. Background: Elizabeth was born and raised in LA itself, her father was the governor of California at the time and was well liked among the people while her mother was a doctor in LA. Growing up Elizabeth had a fairly normal life, until one day in high school she started hearing voices within her head. Though she kept it to herself and never revealed it to her parents, knowing that her parents would most likely send her to the looney bin she kept it to herself. In the early 2000's Elizabeth started running for public office, spending a short time as mayor of LA eventually becoming Senator of California in the Republican party. How she got into office so quickly no one knows, the moment Claire Bennet revealed the rest of the world of Evo's and knowing that there were more out there she created the organization called Quantum and has been pushing for monitor and control of all Evo's living in the US. Quantum's goal is the capturing of dangerous Evo's and bringing them into custody as well as secretly keeping tabs on the Evo's that have caught their eye Elizabeth secretly pulls the strings while also keeping her office as Senator. There is a rumor among the other US senators that she is also an Evo, but that is a complete rumor and speculation Reyes is currently now running for President of the US.[/hider]