Elik was still sleeping by the time the ship was jumping to FTL, and aside from lightly stirring on his bunk he continued to sleep straight through it, being used to FTL jumps. sometime after the jump was made he awoke, rising from his bunk with a yawn. Judging by the state of his roommate's bunk he wasn't to far behind the Isorlai. Swinging his legs out and standing up he went for his clothes, He slipped on the pieces of his flight suit as well as the the forearm plate on his right arm before walking out to the common room with any other of his squadmates that have woken up. He walked toward the counter with coffee and tea on it, passing Erien along the way and smiling at her "Morning Fluffles", once at the counter he got himself a cup of tea, nearly scalding himself at his first attempt to take a sip. After muttering a curse under his breath about the design of the cups and snouts he carefully tried again, this time successfully getting some of the hot liquid down his throat. Turning around with his cup he took a seat on one of the stools by the counter facing the direction Erien was in and waited for the rest of the squad to wake up and the briefing to begin. while he looked at her it occurred to him that she mentioned talking to him after that incident in the hanger earlier, though as he was barely involved he figured it wasn't that important so she either forgot or changed her mind. perhaps if she didn't say anything after the briefing he'd mention it, an excuse to talk to her couldn't hurt.