[quote=@Vicier] [@Chulance]; well you know me hun. You helped me work out my plan for them to a certain point, and I hate to waste an entrance I worked hard on so... Disneyland here we come!! Again... x'D [/quote] Glad to have been of instance to you. Haha so there's gonna be trouble in paradise or well disneyland but that place is so awesome it's close to paradise. I'm getting ready for my intro post, since all my chars are different I'm gonna have to whip up an all new intro post grrr lol. [quote=@Shard] [center][IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/2lm1kpi.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][img]http://img36.picoodle.com/img/img36/8/6/18/f_Emokidlargem_6861503.jpg[/img][/center] [center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/34pcm54.gif[/IMG][/center] [color=00aeef][b]Age:[/b][/color] 14 [color=00aeef][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=00aeef][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5’0ft [color=00aeef][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 90Ibs [color=00aeef][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/color] American [color=00aeef][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Homosexual [color=00aeef][b]Religion: [/b][/color] Atheist [color=00aeef][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Student [color=00aeef][b]Ability:[/b][/color] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/2jfgn5t.gif[/IMG] With super human muscles, Casper’s strength is far beyond that of any ordinary person. While not visible upon Casper's frame, his strength is quite fearful. Due to the fact that Casper's body would break under the sheer pressure of his strength, Casper's power is accompanied by enhanced durability, but only enough to prevent his power from being harmful to himself. As of now it does not effect Casper's exterior frame further than protecting him from lighter bludgeoning. [color=00aeef][i]Passive:[/i][/color] Casper's strength is on par with ten grown men at all times, greatly enhancing his capabilities such as power and speed. [color=00aeef][i]Active:[/i] [/color] With enough adrenaline, Casper can infuse his muscles further and gain more strength, however it drains him drastically and leaves him incredibly fatigued once the adrenaline leaves his frame. At this level he could rip a vault door from place but it would leave him tired and useless until he manages a good rest. [/INDENT] [color=00aeef][i]Drawbacks & Weaknesses:[/i][/color] Casper have no defensive powers. His skin is just as vulnerable to blades and bullets as any other’s. He has no tricks up his sleeve. Casper's power is very straight forward and enhances his physical capabilities but it doesn’t stretch beyond that. He cannot ever lift a truck or toss a car. The latter could be possible if Casper activates his powers further but it would leave him fatigued and drained. If Casper stays in his 'powered' mode for too long, his body will start hurting and the next day it will feel like he has been through a heavy workout and he’ll be incredibly sore. [color=00aeef][b]Personality:[/b][/color] “People always look at me and go ‘Hey, lil’ emo shit!’, and then it fades to black. I mean, fuckin’ hell, someone’s gotta’ stand up for me, right? Ugh, we already live in a world where those with power are being treated like shit because everyone else is too small and scared to deal with this little thing called evolution. So, what am I like? I don’t talk much, I really don’t. There isn’t that much to say. I do tend to get lost in thought, though. Yeah, that always happens. People can talk to me and whatever and then I just…phase out. Hey, it’s not my fault! If people were a bit more interestin’, maybe I’d actually freakin’ listen! Anyways, I get that I’m coming off as some kind of bitter asshole but that’s probably ‘cause I am. When you’ve been so far in bullshit throughout your life that you can barely see the sun, you just stop givin’ a fuck. Believe it or not, I actually do stand up for the little guy, me mostly. Though, I do protect the underdog from a bully if that shit happens around me. I can’t freakin’ stand assholes, can barely stand myself. ‘What’s with the cynical view’, right? Well, believe it or not, being an asshat aside, I can be a really good guy. I stick to myself, treat those who treat me well with respect and knock the living shit out of those who think they can fuck with me. It’s a rather easy principle to live by. Yeah, I get it, I don’t act the way I look. Small, fragile, kinda’ cute according to some…well, that’s what I look like. I don’t eat my vegetables. If I could summarise myself with three words it would probably be…fuck it, I’ll just summarise myself with a few more sentences. I’m quiet, I stick to myself and I like keeping out of other peoples’ business. Though, I’m also a no-bullshit kinda’ guy and I stand up against inequality. No, not that fucking wallflower, oversensitive safe space bullshit, I stand up against people who try to knock others down and try to make sure that the person I help grow a fuckin’ spine so they can stand up for themselves in the future. We live in an ugly fuckin’ world and no amount of precious bullshit will change that. Either you toughen up, or the world will break ya’, it’s that friggin’ simple. Now, we all need help once in a while. Help is always good and I’m not too proud to accept it, but help is just that, it’s ‘help’. You need to be able to stand up on your on two feet in order to use help in an efficient way because believe me, no one’s gonna’ solve your shit for you. Alright, since I’m coming off as a hardass, I’ll try to even it out with something else. I love cuddling, alright…? I just do, fuck off. I also like fluffy things and cute animals. Flowers are pretty and I like bubbles and butterflies. Judge me all ya’ want, I stand for what I like! I also like drawing, and I’ve gotten rather good at it, actually. Practice makes perfect, right? Well, there’s that…hmm…oh! I love corny romance, especially the ones with a buncha’ fuckin’ drama in them, you know? Like…like…two people dance around each other forever cause’ they’re too afraid to actually make a move, and then a buncha’ shit happens, right? I’ve tried writing my own stories but hell if I don’t get preoccupied with something else. I think I might have an attention disorder…it’s fuckin’ annoyin’. Let’s see, something else cuddly and fluffy that I like…hmm…kittens! Hell yeah, kittens…They’re fuckin’ amazing. I love being hugged…but that doesn’t happen very often. Not tryin’ to sound like a downer, just sayin’ it how it is. Yeah, well…that’s it I guess. There’s always more to say but we can’t be here all day, can we? I mean, I need to tell you about my crappy fuckin’ life as well, so let’s just get to that so we can move on. You’ve got better things to do than to listen to me go on and on about myself…I’ve never talked this much in my life…” [color=00aeef][b]Background:[/b][/color] “This probably won’t come as a huge ass fuckin’ surprise but I grew up in the ghetto, yeah. No dad, and my mom was heavily into drugs. Yeah, I know, poor friggin’ Casper, right? Fuck that, it just turned out to be this way. No need to cry over spilled milk or however you say it. I mean, I guess I’ve lived a normal enough life in school n’ shit. No, I haven’t had many friends throughout my life, mostly just one or two that came and went. I pretty much just went with the flow, you know? I never expect anyone to stick around for very long, and they don’t really change that view for me, ya’ know? So my family, in other words me and my shit faced ma’ spend all of our time tryin’ to scrape by. I’m sure you’ve heard countless stories like this, all sad and whatnot. So, my power actually started showin’ rather recently. I’ve always been a no bullshit kinda’ guy, always stood up for myself and all that crap, but one day when some big ass bully tried to get me acquainted with the floor, I punched him hard enough to send the fucker into the lockers and then some. Fuckin’ hell, we were all surprised. I was called and freak and what have ya’, but I was a bit preoccupied tryin’ to understand what had changed. See I’m a -very- scrawny guy, right? I have this superpower but fuckin’ hell, look at me! I don’t have a single friggin’ muscle on my body. It’s hilarious when people mess with me, they don’t expect this shit, hehe. There isn’t much to say about my home life. I still live with ma’, she’s still cracked out on the couch most of the time and I’m left cleanin’ up her fuckin’ mess. ‘Course I wanna’ get out, you know? I mean, I want another life but I know that it’s a waste of time walkin’ around with those thoughts, ya’ know? I am where I am and I deal with it. I’d like to think that I’m a decent chef, I guess. I’ve cooked for ma’ and myself for a very long time and I’ve gotten a bit better at it through the years. I’m also a neat freak. Yeah, I know…livin’ in a ghetto and a run down neighbourhood you’d think that I don’t give a shit but you know what? I do, so fuck you. My house has to be friggin’ spotless! I make sure it is. When I was a kid, well…smaller, mom used to hit me. She’d get drunk or cracked up and then hit me when she got angry. ‘Course, when she sobered up she’d cry her fuckin’ eyes out and hug me n’ all that shit but in the end, none of it really mattered anymore. She doesn’t hit me now, though…mainly because she’s gettin’ old and she’s too tired to even move. Of course I could beat the livin’ daylights outta’ her but what kinda’ swine beats his own ma’? I would never do that. So, on to other things. Hm, yeah, I’ve had a crush on a few people in school. Though, I’ve never really pursued the feelin’s. I mean, who’s wanna’ be with a freak like me with a cracked up ma’ and poor as shit? Well, fuck if I know but I’m not about to tickle that shark. There was this one boy, though…damn he was handsome. You know, like in the story books, hehe…he had golden blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a smile that could melt a winter night…yeah I like poetry, shut it. His name was Aiden and he was part of the school’s football team. I always used to look at him longingly but you know how these stories usually go in real life…he had a girlfriend. Then again, even if he didn’t, it’s not like I’d make a move…I’m too much of a chicken to do that. Yeah, I think we found the one place I won’t stand tall, it’s in love. I’d like to believe I’m a lion most of the time but in love…yeah, there I’m just a kitten. Do ya’ wanna know anything else? My life’s kinda’ boring. There isn’t much to say, really. Ghetto kid who lives with his ma’, goes to school, tries to slug through life…yup, that’s pretty much it. Are we done? Sweet, I’m gonna’ go and grab some soda now. Alright, cya’ around." [/quote] Perfect I loved the way you did your profile and background it's well done, the first person monologue perspective was very interesting. Anyway feel free to post your character in the character tab, my only recommendation is perhaps you re read the first post of the OOC I noticed your character has a power and is in school but with the laws of the Evo Registration he'd have been forced to register and sent to alternative school for Evo's unless he managed to get his hands on an extremely good fake I.D that could fool the Government. But if he used his power in a public fight it would have been reported by teachers, class-mates ect, anyway take that into consideration but post the character in the character tab. [quote=@ThatsWhatSheSaid] [img]https://static-secure.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/1/8/1389191697032/Michael-Cera-011.jpg[/img] [i]”Are you talking to me?” “No, they are talking to me?” “Are you talking to me?”[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Alfie Sutherland [b]Age:[/b] 27 years old [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 5’8 [b]Weight:[/b] 140lbs [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Religion:[/b] Athiest [b]Occupation:[/b] Forging Documents & ID Specialist [b]Ability:[/b] Replication – can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves, others and objects numerous times and is able to maintain control over all copies at one time. [b]Personality: [/b] Alfie is a loner who prefers himself over the company of others. He struggles with being socially awkward something that's a result of his lonely upbringing. He has a lust for gaining information believing that knowledge is power, and has no problem working with anyone so long as it serves his own interest. His main concern is for himself believing that worrying about others is stupid and will only result in you making mistakes including those that are potentially fatal. He is well aware of his status as an Evo but is not scared of the Government believing he'll always be on step ahead of them, and simply seeks to use his ability to earn a living and enjoy the finer things in life. [b]Background:[/b] Alfie didn’t have the easiest life growing up and seemed to have this constant urge to be more than he was and to do more. He had gotten the short stick in life, his parents neglected him as soon as he was born which meant that he was forced to entertain himself throughout his whole life as he had no siblings. Due to growing up neglected and alone he struggled with social relationships and had a hard time relating to others his age who always seemed to be much happier and sociable then he was. This led to him becoming a loner most of his life, and spending his time getting lost in books and the internet constantly seeking out information to fill the void in his life from being alone. He never thought things would improve even after graduating high school until his ability manifested and he was able to replicate himself meaning he finally had someone to talk too. He became his one best friend. Alfie quickly found out ways to use this power to his favour and finally got what he felt he deserved out of life. After Claire jumped off the Ferris Wheel and exposed Evo's he realized he was not alone and that there were others out there just like him. At first he sought to find other Evo's to fill the initial void of loneliness that his power had cured but he still somehow longed for that ‘real’ friend. After a whole lot of failed attempts, he finally realized he actually liked being alone and had grown to become self-sufficient. With the anti Evo sentiment rising across the globe Alfie began to use his powers to make some money. With the nature of his power and his smarts he went into the fake I.D business, and made a killing financially helping Evo's after the Evo Registration Act was passed. His actions attracted the attention of Quantum who sought to recruit him but instead decided to establish a sort of partnership with him offering him protection in exchange for his occasional services. [/quote] Alfie Sutherland is an awesome character I really like him as well as his power, and backstory, really unique and glad you managed to tie him into Quantum even though he's not an agent.