[center][b][h3][color=fdc68a]Rayne[/color][/h3][/b][/center] Rayne fell back towards the end standing near Myst, just to make sure she was doing alright. She would have asked to stop maybe once or twice, but Ambrosia seemed incredibly determined to not stop, she didn't blame her at all, and well she was the alpha and she had no real place to speak up. So instead she just kept an eye on the pup, as well as keeping an eye on everyone else, she wasn't worried...well she was, but she just naturally worried, that was what she was there for, if for no other purpose it was to make sure that everyone was healthy and fine and amazing... After shooting herself in the face through mental thought to avoid the mental overload of her overthinking, she heard the edge of what Ambrosia said, coming up to where they would hopefully be living for the time being and for a long time being. She pawed through the snow following after Ambrosia as everyone else did, before seeing the alpha shift, which meant they were officially where they should be. Reverting to her own skin form, she had a winter coat similar to Ambrosia, but Rayne had kept her hair all hidden under a beanie. As the company stopped, Rayne grabbed her bag from one of the many horses that Niall lead, still to her amazement was their odd calmness, it was almost unsettling and made Rayne wonder what it took to train them so well, especially in their situation. IF she were the horse, she'd feel like a meal waiting to happen, of course they'd have to get through the towering beast that was Niall, and for as big as the guy was, she'd be afraid for any idiot willing to go toe to toe with him over his horses. Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she stood next to Ambrosia, who basically towered over her [color=fdc68a]"Thank you for getting us here boss, from that look you have though, please don't over-exert yourself, that goes for all of you, I'd rather not have to deal with anyone passing out so early into settling in"[/color] she smiled jokingly, hopefully enough to ease the mood and get everyone in gear. Standing a little closer to Ambrosia [color=fdc68a]"she did a lot better then I thought she would"[/color] glancing back at Myst [color=fdc68a]"miss being that young sometimes, eh?"[/color] she laughed a little before moving past the nicer cabins and taking a little lower end one so the others wouldn't have to, she called out a dibs, before trying to enter the cabin. The door gave a good fight, but after Rayne put pressure on the door, it swung open, almost making her fall. Walking inside, she put her pack down, before walking out to help the others. It wasn't terrible, it was a definite fixer upper, but it wasn't undoable, and with enough work it could be nice. Starting to unpack, she hid her stash of not so legal things, though it didn't seem to be a problem and from what she found, it seemed many healers actually smoked funny enough, but it was still a habit none the less. The cabins weren't all that bad, with the worst being the windows, it was pretty good condition for where it was and how unkempt it was. The thought of clean water troubled her but those were things to think about later, getting up from the bedroom, she moved out and back where the rest of the pack was [color=fdc68a]"anyone need or want help?"[/color]