So I've been thinking on what to do with magic, as I feel it should be very powerful and ubiquitous without straying into 'cuz' wizards' territory. So DnD style magic is right out. Instead I'll be thinking of it like this: The stars are essentially will o' wisps on a cosmic scale; saturating the planets that orbit them in heat, light and magical energy. This energy (henceforth referred to as 'Orenda') is present in all things, though the puny amount most creatures can accommodate is nothing next to the vast potential of the natural world. Because of this rituals are more or less leveraging the speck of power one might possess to guide or incite naturally present phenomenon. More on that later. As for magic as a technology, semi-perpetual motion is the means by which most things are powered. Using a practice known as Tsukumography an imprint is crafted through the destruction of a living creature and 'grafted' to an otherwise inanimate object, giving it life. These 'Tsuks' are able move their new bodies to a certain extent, the applications of which prove numerous. Common uses of Tsukumography include self driven machinery, security systems and guided weaponry. Because of the use of well-trained animals as a key component almost every household has several pets, if only as an investment in future purchases