[center][url=http://postimage.org/][img]http://s7.postimg.org/ou3eojsyj/Trusis_or_Talheim.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/][/url][/center] [center][h3][b]An Ode to the First Kings[/b][/h3][/center] [center][i]Who in these realms today lays down His life for lands more dear, Than Trusis did so long ago When nightmare foul came near? Who knew what change the strangers brought Who knew their dark intent? Not our peaceful people, beaten down, Not our maids, to ill purposes lent. They came because our lands were rich With such weapons we'd never seen. Laying waste to our people and to our homes- Our blood red on the grassy-green. From the north they swept upon us, Astride their thundering milk-white steeds. Such mounts were unknown to King Trusis, But he knew his people's needs. He bid us flee, to keep us safe, Far from axe and spear; But we were followed as we fled- Our massacre drew near. Trusis stood bold 'gainst brutal foe As his village was smashed and burned. Whole families died before his eyes- And still his foe he spurned. The first blow, they say, took off his arm, And death-oh, it was not swift- The Riders took their time with him; But his son, his heir, was left. 'Twas Talheim, then, who led us now; Talheim who must see us survive. He led us west, 'cross our ancient lands In order to keep us alive. The Riders, content with what they had gained, Did not follow we few; And Talheim became the King who would Rebuild our lives anew. We built ditches great and walls high, And learned the cold ways of arms; Thus 'twas Talheim the Protector, in the end, Who did keep us from present harms.[/i][/center] [color=a2d39c]A ballad that has passed down since ancient times, as familiar in seedy taverns as it is in the grandest of halls.[/color]