[center][IMG]https://media1.giphy.com/media/3oEduYP8P1lMsMgoO4/200w.gif[/IMG] [H1]~Eli Julius King~ Cabin 21/ Obstacle Tower[/h1] [color=crimson]Julius fidgeted under the burgundy sheets of his large bed. The sound of roars, cheering, and proclamations of victory reached even through the Cabins outer layer of stone and passed the obsidian walls of his bedroom. He froze in place, before ripping the sheets from over his head revealing his unkempt afro. Without looking over, still staring at the ceiling, his hand reached out to his nightstand. He blindly fumbled for his lighter, then his morning breakfast. Still laying on his back he slipped the RAW cone between his lips, flicked his Bic, and began his morning routine, inhaling until his chest poked out as if he was standing at attention. Cabin 21- Designated to the Children of Eris. The lack of demigods in this place makes it easier on Jewels, being around too many people constantly while trying to piece his memory back might not be too beneficial. He sat on his California King Size bed, exhaling large clouds of smoke into the air. [I]”The bud wiser[/I] he told himself as he always does. Jewels threw his legs over the edge, slouching in his long white socks and boxers. On the opposite side of the room hangs a bulletin board with pictures of all the children in Camp Half Blood. With his joint hanging in his mouth he used his two free hands to lift him up off the bed, and proceeded to approach. The children's pictures were all grouped with their respective Cabins. Jewels recently created the board in order to keep up with those he chooses who to rebuild relationships with, and amongst other things. Others were pulled from the cabin groupings in their own category, potential friend, beneficial, dangerous, potential enemies, not to be trusted. Next to the board were tendencies of such campers he's observed and noted in the past two weeks. He didn't know what to expect from his peers or what they expected from him. The only thing he was sure about was, he belonged here. Dressing himself with no intentions for the day besides observing, simply a pair of black basketball shorts, and throwing his camp shirt over his bare torso. The smoke eventually engulfed the upstairs, impairing his sight. He had to wave his hands in front of his path just to get a gist of direction. The entire cabin was built like a studio apartment, being Jewels was the only occupant. The bedroom was open visually from downstairs only separated by railing. An spacious lounge area filled the bottom floor. A dark colored sectional sat in the middle, smoking paraphernalia littered the floors. Posters of athletes, terrorist, and music groups splattered all over the walls. Kicking through a pile of HighTimes magazines, he pushed through the revolving door leading outside to the camp grounds. The vibrant sun smacked him in the face, blinding him momentarily. Smoke seeped out from behind him, the aroma of “Herculeaves” trailed with him as he stepped onto the greenery. It didn't take long for his eyes to adjust to the light. The obvious direction of pandemonium was directed towards the Obstacle Tower. If it's one thing he enjoyed more than being stoned……. Okay maybe not more but close enough, was the conflict and rivalry that brewed during Camp activities. Taking another long drag, and exhaling all in the same motion, he casually strolled towards the Tartarus Tower. Walking in the general direction he caught eye of someone tagged “Beneficial”. Blonde hair, entering the Morpheus Cabin, name starts with a M last time he checked. Now wouldn't be a good time though, Jewels was more interested in the pink haired girl. His assumption of her having more experience in the dream realm being the get respective Cabin counselor. Dreams hold memories he hypothesized. Arriving to the event, he could feel the power in the area. Conflicts between rivaling Cabins sparked left to right as they cheered on their brothers and sisters. He didn't even have to activate his power, today he chose to just soak in the essence of the arena. A sly smirk crept on Jewels face, his eyes barely open but his vision keen. He spotted the girl of dreams, protected by her bodyguard as he label the Child of Hades. [I]”No direct approaches. The girl will chop my head off. Their sitting with their friend, one of Mr.D’s crazy kids. I'll slip next to the hell spawn and keep my mouth shut. Possibly get more info on her”.[/I] he mumbled to himself between drags. Walking up to the stands he sat in his targeted destination next to the girl he has posted on his wall. She was the center of of a particular group, a group Jewels refused to not go unwatched. Erin Marie Chase…… Potentially dangerous.[/color][/center]