I like Toshiba. I have a Satellite model (17" screen bby), and it's 4 years old and its processing power is...less than impressive by today's standards. BUT it can run Skyrim or Fallout: New Vegas as well as older games that require as much power. I can also play online games like League or Dota 2 or Vindictus if I'm not a graphics-whore lol. It cannot run newer games (such as Fallout 4), but when I DO upgrade, it'll be another Toshiba tbh. However, I won't be upgrading for at least another year due to other financial obligations and I'm confident this laptop can last until 2017. That'll be 5 years of use out of a laptop!! And it still runs very well. If you're a hardcore gamer (I'm not because it's so expensive lol), I'd recommend something from [url=http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=lp_8588812011_nr_p_72_0?fst=as%3Aoff&rh=n%3A172282%2Cn%3A%2113900871%2Cn%3A%212334091011%2Cn%3A%212334122011%2Cn%3A8588809011%2Cn%3A8588811011%2Cn%3A8588812011%2Cp_72%3A1248879011&bbn=8588812011&ie=UTF8&qid=1455039507&rnid=1248877011]here[/url] (I've pre-selected your options for gaming AND products with a review of at least 4/5 stars). This'll cost ya quite a bit, though. The [i]cheapest [/i]tend to go for about $900 and going cheap when technology is moving so fast isn't really worth it. And since $1000 is out of your price range, I'd recommend the following: 1) Stick with your school laptop for a little while longer and save up or; 2) Go cheap for now, but start saving for something better right after. If you keep the cheaper laptop in good condition, you could sell it to contribute to a nicer one.