[i][color=red][h2][center] The Other Side of the Wall [/center][/h2][/color][/I] [b][color=red] "Really Blackout? The first move and you fuck things up? Have you even done this before?" [/color][/b] Serephina whispered aggressively. With her invisibility activated, he wouldn't be able to see her and she was secretly hoping he would be confused. She always enjoyed making others question their environment. She knew he had done this before but he didn't seem like he had very much experience with. . . paint everywhere. With all the railroad tracks, swamps and fields full of rocks she had always had to trek through, she was confident she wouldn't slip. Or. . . So she hoped. She wasn't really sure what to do here. These amateurs weren't giving her much to work with. She heard a voice say something like "they better surrender or he would make them into modern art" or something. [i][color=red] Wow. that was the corniest line I've ever heard as a threat.[/color][/i] Odette made a small squeaking noise from the inside of her backpack and Serephina hushed her with a gentle voice. [b][color=red] "Let me help you guys out here" [/color][/b]she said with an exasperated huff. Peeking out from behind the wall, she could see the man threatening them covering himself in grey paint. [i][color=red] This guy's a freak. [/color][/i] she thought to herself, her eyes widening at the rather strange sight. Taking cover behind the wall again, she whispered again to Blackout, who was now steadily on his feet again, [b][color=red] "He's heading this way in case you didn't notice! I would make sure your feet are steady Mr. Falls A Lot and DO SOMETHING!" [/color][/b]