[quote=@Polybius] I've submitted a short story. Should I post it here as well? I would actually like some comments/suggestions on the story. [/quote] [timeout on all the in-character stuff] The way it works is, we collect all the stories together in PMs and post them all at once. Then everyone gets a chance to read over everything side-by-side and talk about each piece, pick their favorites, etc. There's always been a healthy amount of feedback for everyone -- it's not technically part of the contest structure, but at the same time, it's the most important part of the contest! So I'll make the plea again that anybody who can spare a few minutes to review at least some of the pieces submitted, make that effort, we really appreciate it. If you've sent in a story or poem or maybe propaganda in this case, go ahead and read the other pieces too, and help your fellow writers out with some feedback. Thanks! TL:DR -- no need to post your story here, we'll have it up in about a week along with all the others.