[center][h2][b][u][color=#000000]G[/color][color=#19000E]a[/color][color=#32001C]e[/color][color=#4B002A]l[/color][color=#640039],[/color][/u] [u][color=#970055]V[/color][color=#B00064]e[/color][color=#C90072]r[/color][color=#E20080]e[/color][color=#FB008F]n[/color][color=#E20080]s[/color][/u] [u][color=#970055]E[/color][color=#7D0047]s[/color][color=#640039]t[/color][color=#4B002A]r[/color][color=#32001C]a[/color][color=#19000E]d[/color][color=#000003]a[/color][/u][/b][/h2][/center][hr] It appeared that getting a sense of abilities was not so difficult as he would have thought, namely as he could recognize at least two of the individuals present by appearance and reputation alone. He smirked as he noted that one of them was a ward known as Chroma, while the other he'd identified appeared to be Blackout. In short he was not terribly impressed with the villain. [i]What an idiot,[/i] he thought to himself with a chuckle even as he felt the tiniest amount of pity enter his psyche. So it appeared there was a nullifier, but he was not a problem. He knew Blackout's effective range and he knew he was outside of it. The others appeared to have much less straightforwards powers as one seemed to be invisible--his being able to locate her entirely based on how she moved through his psionic web not to mention the fragmented impression of her surroundings that he found at the surface of her thoughts. The other ward was still a mystery to him as was the individual who appeared to be somehow molding the asphalt. He wondered how that was being done. Nonetheless half of both parties were idenitified in terms of ability and that meant one thing. He could move. Well, not literally as he had decided to stay where he was, but that was hardly the point. Letting his awareness shift, the psionic web he had cast began to focus around Chroma becoming thicker and more [i]solid[/i], in a fashion. It would not physically impede the ward, but that was not the idea. Casting out tendrils of his influence to Blackout and his two compatriots, Gael utilized his telepathy to communicate a very simple message. [i]"On the count of three attack or run,"[/i] he telepathed to them, making his [i]voice[/i] sound not like his own, but instead like their thoughts, disguising it as something that belonged. He then counted to three, building layer upon layer of piercing needles around Chroma's head even as he sapped energy from everyone in his surroundings. [b][color=#E20080]"[/color][color=#C50070]O[/color][color=#A90060]n[/color][color=#8D0050]e[/color][color=#710040].[/color][color=#540030].[/color][color=#380020].[/color][color=#1C0010]"[/color][/b] his smile grew,[b][color=#E20080]"[/color] [color=#BC006A].[/color][color=#A9005F].[/color][color=#960055].[/color][color=#83004A]t[/color][color=#70003F]w[/color][color=#5E0035]o[/color][color=#4B002A].[/color][color=#38001F].[/color][color=#250015].[/color][color=#12000A]"[/color][/b] he continued, channeling hostility and pain into the psychic needles, [b][color=#E20080]"[/color][color=#CD0074].[/color][color=#B80068].[/color][color=#A4005D].[/color][color=#8F0051]t[/color][color=#7B0045]h[/color][color=#66003A]r[/color][color=#52002E]e[/color][color=#3D0022]e[/color][color=#290017].[/color][color=#14000B]"[/color][/b] He snapped his fingers and in that moment the needles would slam into Chroma's undefended mind. Pure malice, fear, and a splitting pain would bombard the cocky ward as Gael fed the energy he was gathering into the attack. He was glad that cities were so jam packed with people, it made sustained psychic attacks much easier when he could be constantly sapping upwards of 50 people at once. Perhaps it would be more fitting for him to be active during the day till he gathered enough energy. That way he'd never be at too much of a disadvantage, he thought. All the while he altered the shape of the needles, allowing them grooves and giving them a spin so that they acted like drills, burrowing into the Ward's mind. A dark smile played across his face as he drank in the suffering of his victim. It was too bad that it wasn't yet wise for him to stick around and wait till the ward succumbed to him. It would have been wonderful to have a new [i]puppet[/i], especially one with such a useful ability. Oh well.