[@Vordak] Heh...ye know, I always find it funny how people who do unpowered-melee like to puff their own horn, all "THIS! IS! SKILL!" and assert strongly that anyone who uses any sort of powered or weapon-based style is simply leaning on their crutches and has no [i]real[/i] talent. I'll freely admit, I'm kinda butt at standard dispowered melee. I don't like it/find it terribly entertaining, I've not worked on mastering it, and thus I'm pretty un-good at it. But there's an interesting tendency I've noticed with a lot of T!I!S! types...and that is that they are often just as butt at higher-end Powered fights as a Powered fighter tends to be at bare-knuckle fisticuffs. They have a hard time dealing with all the extra capability, they don't really explore the fullest extent of their power, and they often fall apart when trying to fight someone who's spent most of their play time on that power tier. They just can't compete properly at that level of power because they don't like to do so and thus haven't developed the ability for it. It's not about capital-S SKILLZ, man. It's simply about comfort level. My buddies and I figured it'd be amusing to flash Cee and see what sort of "HOLY HELL" reactions she got given the depth of her dossier and the fact that [b][i]ENKI[/i][/b] of all g'damned people is considered 2 stronk 4 fyte; I never intended to forcibly inflict her on the contest. If y'all want to run a Street Fighter tournament, then by all means be my guest. Heh, I'd simply caution you about believing that your skills in bare fisticuffs make you the Superior Man in all circumstances. Could always try your hand in a dispowered/low-powered gun duel with me and see if it holds true. I don't do fisticuffs, but I'm not a bad hand at all on the range. Heh, not that anyone will care, I suppose. Just always makes me sad to see Street Fighters puffing themselves up and figuring theirs is the only game in town.