Heh heh heh. I ain't the one quoting 'warrior and boy' nonsense at people to get them to bugger off. Da's a'ight, though. Still, never let it be said that a girl can't adapt. Enk, Star. Keep an eye on your FFL inboxes. Going to spend the rest of the evening working on a street-tier sniper, see if I can't kick out a shitsheet I can use. Won't be [i]nearly[/i] well-developed enough for campaign work, but these guys have outright stated they don't really want anything in the sheet except combat-relevant information, so that should help. Heh, I have no doubt whatsoever that Gun's next post will be "Don't bother, you're auto-banned from this event because you're Not A Cool Bro", but if they're going to allow Uzuki and Sky, I suppose I'll see what they find objectionable about a rifleman with no offensive abilities whatsoever. Should be an interesting experiment, no? I mean hell, Real Skill(TM) means they should be able to handle a rifleman with anything they put together, eh?