I am in! [hider=Zendi Lorelock] Name: Zendi Lorelock Age:33 Height:5'9" Weight:172lbs Race: Half-Orc Class: Battlemage Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwd4qdTmxm-BUkp37AUC2y6ZKwgPIkOKZ2xp23d61olUm93sGX4w[/img] [/hider] Still young for a Battlemage but exceeded those of his world. Zendi was the first of his plains to achieve ultimate potential. Reading the lost and ancient scrolls of his school, he learned spells and abilities that have been forgotten. Once he reached what he believed to be the peak of his power that the school can offer, he altered the minds of his fellow mages, having them believe he never attended the school and disappeared. Spells~ Supreme Counterspell: His recommended and favorite way of canceling spells, inner abilities, Jutsu's and any other unique powers that use energy from the body. Epic Magic Missile: A spell he found within one of the Ancient books. Calmly uses it to 'dispose' of small armies. From his fingertips, fires up to 40 magical orbs about the size of a basketball. The missiles strike's unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat or has less than total cover or total concealment. If hit by any of these can damage like a sword is being stabbed into you, simple to out run them though. Vindication: A small sphere of bright white light flies to the point designated and explodes violently. From there causes Magical and Sonic damage, thus making most resistance useless, but this spell is heavily recommended to be used as a final go to. being within the large radius can ultimately destroy anything external, internal and ghost like. It travels with incredible speed. Equipment~ Skywalking Boots: These boots allow Zendi to walk across the air, to reach higher he needs to think there is something for him to step/land/move on. Wit's End, Razor of Timeless Battles: This Greatspear/stave is built to battle magical entities. The blade's length is two feet long, being unable to wound anything physically but affect their soul/spirit/inner being etc. If say Wit's end blade cuts your arm like it was going to take it off from you body, it would faze through it but damage the part of the soul to the arm, which makes your arm worthless and motionless. Orb of Disrupting Krakens: The orb is about the size of a baseball and is purple, looks to be made of glass. Its internal properties give it the ability to absorb magical energies, etc. Abilities~ Zenki has learned to master his senses. He can hear past other sounds that travel, making it nearly impossible to sneak up on him and accurately know where they are coming from. His vision is considered godlike, he can see the inner powers of beings and ghostly creatures. His reflexes are unimaginably good, hitting him in close combat would be a feat itself. His movement speed is incredible. [/hider]