[quote=@Obscurus] [@Aewin] Hey, I like her. I can see how her personality would compliment those from the rest of the team. As for the power, even though I like how you mixed it in with the backstory, it might be a bit much. The powers are supposed to bring a form of bad luck or just a general ominous feeling to people. Perhaps we can have her being able to make people in the vicinity hear voices. Or 'think' that they heard somebody whispering. You know, not the literal telepathical talking, but just that creepy feeling of: 'did I just hear somebody whispering my name?' Could be scary when you're home alone. And it doesn't actually influence people's behavior directly. It would fit with her wish of people having to listen to her. Though other ideas are possible as well. Let me know what you think. [/quote] Ahh okay. I liked what you suggested, about hearing voices, so I'll try and incorporate that to my CS. ^^