Spencer took in the aura of the cape, silver strings surrounding him and herself, surprised to see how blank it was. Light dull colors of black, grey, and nothingness. Not to mention she was surprised anyone had even approached her. No one ever did that. She never stood out to the others around her. Why would she stand out to this man? She processed his question a moment before giving her answer. [b][color=5a1dd2]"This is nothing new to me", [/color][/b]she shrugged his hand off, not at all used to the touch of others. [b][color=5a1dd2]"Worst things have happened in my past than this petty bank robbery"[/color][/b] Spencer smiled though, unable to contain the strange happiness bubbling inside her. Spencer made sure to keep the guilt flowing to the other cape across the bank making sure the emotion never faltered as she continued to hold her attention on the man I front of her. She drew her eyes down the man's body taking note of the tattoo like crevices in his arms. [color=5a1dd2]"Interesting. Wonder what that's from?"[/color] Her eyes lingered on the mark a moment before looking back up to the guys face.