Not sure if I can stay in this longer term, but I'll throw up an app since I'm interested. [sub][sub][sub]FUSO HONORABLY RISES AGAIN, GO HOME FILFTHY GAIJIN! >:D[/sub][/sub][/sub] [hider=Fuso] [b]CIVILIZATION NAME[/b]: Fuso [b]CHARACTERISTIC 1[/b]: Savvy: Our people are some of the slickest dealers and traders. [Tourism / Trade generates +2 Income/Turn] [b]CHARACTERISTIC 2[/b]: Charismatic: Ever have we been popular and respected. [Diplomacy costs are -20%] [b]GOVERNMENT NAME[/b]: Fuso Mercantile Empire [b]HEAD OF STATE[/b]: Emperor Odawarai Ishonomi [b]10 RANDOM CITIZEN NAMES (First & Last if Plausible)[/b]: Female [list][*]Aiyatomi Senju [*]Sento Yuruza [*]Airisake Kujujiso [*]Nanata Miyori [*]Kurumi Tohsaki[/list] Male [list][*]Ryuji Gonasuke [*]Basara Wuhao [*]Shotowa Shu [*]Tananao Hachijisun [*]Kamitsu Ruyongoha [/list] [b]HOMEWORLD[/b]: Gaishen [b]SUBSEQUENT COLONIES[/b]: N/A [b]CIVILIZATION DESCRIPTION[/b]: [hider=Fusan Race] The Fusan are a race of cat-like humanoids, sporting feline ears and wide eyes but otherwise look human. Common skin colors typically are lighter shades although there are some who sport natural tanner skin tones, most of which come from islands. Hair is mostly black as is the dominate eye color, but there are shades of brown, white and even gold in some cases. Most Fusans however dye their hair other colors, especially the younger ones. While they may not be as strong as other races, they excel in areas of speed, agility and charm. In wars and battles, the Fusans will prefer a highly mobile guerrilla warfare-styled combat tactics or try to prevent fighting in the first place. Fusans are a varied race with many different types of peoples and personalities; its said that its impossible to find a single Fusan who you are not attracted to. Personality wise, Fusans are free-spirited and very... [i]promiscuous.[/i] Due to the generally warmer weathers of the planet, they typically dressed in clothing raging from immodest to blush worthy. To say that Fusans have loose sexual morals would be an understatement in some cases. However, they do try to dress modest and official-looking when they have too (or as modest as they can manage)[/hider] [hider=Short version] Salacious neko-people who are a mix of Las Vegas and Venice. Only in space. [/hider] [hider=Long version] The Fuso people where never a very split up people, their large landmass island of their home world ensured that there was little separation between populations and tribes leading to a relatively uniformed culture between them all. The one person who would "reunite" the lands per say is a enigmatic if not god-like figure only called "the Golden Empress". It would be under her command that the Fuso Empire would be formed and technology would sky rocket. To this day, her descendants have ruled the throne even after thousands of years of her death. The Golden Empress today is now the focal point of the state religion, aptly named "Ishonomi" based on what's perceived to be her original name. In modern times, as technology is at an all time high as is wealth and standards of living, the Fuso are in the midst of something of a golden age of culture and curiosity. While what they consider "culture" might be seen as something much more sensual in other races, it is still promoted by the state as art. Entertainment of all kinds are booming. Recent technologies in space travel means that the Fuso are now free to explore the stars as they wish, in hopes of reaching new peoples to trade with and maybe empty planets to colonize to expand their trading empire. [/hider] [/hider]