Grey was quite shocked at what he was hearing from the little blue man named Adam. Evidently he was an artificer intelligent hollow gram. Grey wasn't sure what to make of that other than a smart creator of empty weight? Ricardo began to ask Adam questions, but the answers weren't very helpful. All he was able to take from the interrogation, was that Adam knew everything, but wasn't telling anything. He was still in shock at the blue man when Ricardo introduced himself. After a moment longer of staring, he looked back at Ricardo and introduced himself as well. [b]"I'm Greyken Rest, but you can call me Grey. I don't know why, but I don't like Adam."[/b] Grey turned his attention to Adam and decided to try a question. [b]"So this mind scan, does that mean you know all of my thoughts? How big is this world? What do people do here?"[/b] [@Balthazar007]